Acceptable Samples |
Slides (charged/adhesive)
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Description |
Detection of Toxoplasma gondii by immunohistochemistry using polyclonal antibodies.
Species |
Bovine | Canine | Feline | Equine | Ovine | Caprine | Porcine | Wildlife Exotic | Other
Shipping Requirements |
In cold weather, add 1 part ethanol to 9 parts 10% buffered formalin to prevent freezing during transit.
Acceptable Samples |
Amniotic fluid
Schedule |
Turnaround Time 1-3 business days from test day
Description |
This assay targets the DNA of a portion of the B1 gene from Toxoplasma gondii, a cyst-forming coccidian parasite..
Species |
Bovine | Canine | Feline | Ovine | Caprine | Wildlife Exotic | Other
Shipping Requirements |
To ensure inclusion in the test run, samples should arrive the day prior to test day.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Turnaround Time 2-6 business days
Description |
Screen for trace minerals by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES). Assay includes cobalt, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, selenium and zinc.
Species |
Bovine | Canine | Feline | Ovine | Caprine | Porcine | Equine
Shipping Requirements |
After serum removed from blood clot, the serum can be stored and shipped at refrigeration or frozen temperatures.
Additional Instructions |
Recommended collection of blood in royal blue top (trace element tubes). If submitted in another blood tube, avoid any contact with the rubber stopper. Allow the sample to clot (approximately 30 minutes). Centrifuge the sample, then transfer the serum to a metal-free plastic tube. Remove serum from clot within 4 hours to avoid hemolysis. Hemolysis will falsely elevate the iron in the sample.
Schedule |
Days Tested TUE | THU | FRI
Turnaround Time 2-6 business days
Description |
Screen for trace minerals/heavy metals by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). Assay includes chromium, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, selenium, zinc, arsenic, cadmium, cobalt, nickel, lead, antimony, thallium, vanadium.
Shipping Requirements |
Ship frozen on ice packs in a leak proof bags.
Additional Instructions |
Tissues seared for bacterial culture will cause falsely elevated results. Submit tissues that have not been manipulated for culture.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Turnaround Time 24-48 hours
Description |
Detection of transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV) by fluorescent antibody (FA) testing.
Species |
Acceptable Samples |
Fetus, intestine, lung, endometrium, cervico-vaginal Mucous
Schedule |
Turnaround Time Next business day
Description |
This targets the DNA of a portion of the 5.8S rRNA gene and interal transcribed spacer-1 (ITS-1) region of the protozoan parasite Tritrichomonas foetus.
Note: Swabs are not an acceptable sample type.
Species |
Shipping Requirements |
To ensure inclusion in the test run, samples must be received the day prior to test day.
Send on cold pack/ice in sterile leak-proof container. Plastic tubes are preferred. If blood tubes are used, must be red top without serum separator gel or anticoagulant. Please do not send samples in Whirl-Paks as samples tend to leak and may lead to contamination of other samples.
It is the responsibility of the submitter to provide on the submission form the collection date, animal IDs, and indicate pooled or individual testing. Additionally, the best attempt should be made to get samples to the NDSU-VDL (arrive during business hours) within 5 days of collection. Samples >5 days old are suboptimal for testing and may result in false negative results. If submission information is missing or samples are >5 days old, the NDSU-VDL will test at its discretion and a comment will be added to the report.
Additional Instructions |
An appropriately collected washing should be light pink and cloudy, with visible material and little blood. Clear samples and samples with significant blood or fecal contamination are not appropriate for testing and may be either rejected or have a disclaimer placed on test results.
See submission guide for sample collection and submission guidelines. It is important to select “Individual” or “Pool (up to 5 in pool)” on the submission sheet. The submitter is responsible for checking destination state requirements concerning pooling of samples for Tritrichomonas testing.
Schedule |
Turnaround Time Next business day
Description |
This assay targets the DNA of a portion of the 5.8S rRNA gene and interal transcribed spacer-1 (ITS-1) region of the protozoan parasite Tritrichomonas foetus.
Species |
Shipping Requirements |
To ensure inclusion in the test run, samples must be received the day prior to test day.
Send on cold pack/ice in sterile leak-proof container. Plastic tubes are preferred. If blood tubes are used, must be red top without serum separator gel or anticoagulant. Please do not send samples in Whirl-Paks as samples tend to leak and may lead to contamination of other samples.
It is the responsibility of the submitter to provide on the submission form the collection date, animal IDs, and indicate pooled or individual testing. Additionally, the best attempt should be made to get samples to the NDSU-VDL (arrive during business hours) within 5 days of collection. Samples >5 days old are suboptimal for testing and may result in false negative results. If submission information is missing or samples are >5 days old, the NDSU-VDL will test at its discretion and a comment will be added to the report.
Additional Instructions |
An appropriately collected washing should be light pink and cloudy, with visible material and little blood. Clear samples and samples with significant blood or fecal contamination are not appropriate for testing and may be either rejected or have a disclaimer placed on test results. The submitter is responsible for checking destination state requirements concerning pooling of samples for Tritrichomonas testing. Clients will be responsible for all charges if samples have to be retested. Recollection may be necessary.
See submission guide for sample collection and submission guidelines. It is important to select “Individual” or “Pool (up to 5 in pool)” on the submission sheet.
Samples will be pooled by the laboratory in sequential order as listed on the Submission Form/Sample Identification Form. Broken or missing samples will not be shifted or replaced with additional samples. However, if a retest is required, you will only be charged for the actual number of retested individuals. Individuals in positive pools will be automatically retested at the current per individual sample rate.
Schedule |
Turnaround Time 1-3 business days from day of test
Description |
This assay targets the DNA of a portion of the 5.8S rRNA gene and internal transcribed spacer-1 (ITS-1) region of the protozoan parasite Tritrichomonas foetus/blagburni.
Species |
Shipping Requirements |
To ensure inclusion in the test run, samples should arrive the day prior to test day.
Additional Instructions |
For ease of sample processing and accuracy, please try to remove as much cat litter as possible.
Acceptable Samples |
EDTA whole blood (1 ml minimum)- please note this is the least sensitive sample for disease detection. Blood must be collected at the peak of fever and is ideally serially collected for best chance of detection*
Schedule |
Description |
This assay targets the DNA of a portion of the 23KDa gene from the bacterium Francisella tularensis.
Species |
Canine | Feline | Equine | Wildlife Exotic | Other
Shipping Requirements |
Please call prior to shipping or dropping off your specimen (701) 231-7527 or (701) 231-8307. Failure to notify the laboratory prior to submitting the specimen may result in a delay in test results.
The submitter is responsible for adherence to sample shipping regulations. See Select Agent Submission Guide for packaging and shipping information.
Do not place any other samples in the box. If the sample is positive, all other samples in the same container will be destroyed.
Additional Instructions |
Samples must be received by 12:00 pm of the test day to ensure the reported turn around time. Samples should be collected during the acute stage of disease prior to treatment.
*Blood is an appropriate sample only if the sample is collected prior to antimicrobial treatment. Lymph node aspirates or swabs of ulcers/lesions are preferred whenever available.