Acceptable Samples |
Slides, hair, skin scrapings
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Turnaround Time Same day results if received by 1:00 p.m.
Description |
Identification of ectoparasites. Samples must be collected from animals.
Species |
Bovine | Canine | Feline | Equine | Ovine | Caprine | Porcine | Wildlife Exotic | Other
Shipping Requirements |
Collect sample in a clear, dry, sealed sterile container. Sample may also be submitted in 70% alcohol.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Description |
Evaluation of samples for viral particles by transmission electron microscopy.
Species |
Bovine | Canine | Feline | Equine | Ovine | Caprine | Porcine | Wildlife Exotic | Other
Additional Instructions |
Do not freeze. Frozen samples are not acceptable for testing.
Acceptable Samples |
Lymph node
Schedule |
Turnaround Time 1-3 business days from test day
Description |
This assay targets the RNA of a portion of the NS1 from the Epizootic hemorrhagic disease (EHD) virus. This assay detects representatives of at least 7 known serotypes of EHD; however, serotypes cannot be differentiated and evidence suggests that not all sequence variants of all serotypes may be efficiently detected with this assay.
Species |
Bovine | Ovine | Caprine | Wildlife Exotic | Other
Shipping Requirements |
To ensure inclusion in the test run, samples should arrive the day prior to test day.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Turnaround Time 24-48 hours
Description |
Detection of equine herpesvirus-1 (EHV-1) by fluorescent antibody (FA) testing.
Species |
Acceptable Samples |
Cell culture, brain, spinal cord
Schedule |
Turnaround Time 1-3 business days from test day
Description |
This assay targets the DNA of the glycoprotein B gene from Equine herpes virus to detect and distinguish EHV-1 and EHV-4. However, this assay cannot distinguish mutant or neuropathogenic strains of EHV-1.
*Full price for the first sample, half price for an additional sample from the same animal.
Species |
Equine | Other
Shipping Requirements |
To ensure inclusion in the test run, samples should arrive the day prior to test day.
Additional Instructions |
Submit synthetic nasal swabs in a sterile container with approximately 1 ml sterile saline or in viral transport media to maintain moisture. Swabs in bacteria transport media are not recommended for PCR and may be rejected.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU – JUNE 1 TO SEPT 30
Description |
Detection of antibody to equine infectious anemia (EIA) by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).
Species |
Shipping Requirements |
To avoid hemolysis, serum should be removed from the clot and aliquoted to another tube prior to shipping. Hemolysis affects serologic testing and may cause a sample to be rejected. Samples should be kept cold during transport. Avoid freeze-thaw cycles.
Additional Instructions |
APHIS-approved lab for Import/Export. Official Federal EIA Report form required with all submissions. Submitting veterinarians must accurately and fully complete the official form and uniquely identify the animal, including narrative descriptions. Please visit our Resources page for more information regarding completion of the EIA form.
An accession fee of $12 per case will be charged for EIA submissions received with a paper EIA Form 10-11. The accession fee will be waived for electronic submissions (i.e., VSPS or Global Vetlink – please send the printed lab submittal form with the samples). Original paper reports are no longer mailed to veterinarians or owners. All Coggins test results and invoices will be emailed after testing has been completed. An original paper copy of the results may be requested, however, the request must be indicated on/with the original submission form and an additional $5 handling/mailing fee will be applied.
Note: Samples for serologic testing must be received during business hours the day before scheduled testing to ensure inclusion in the test run. If not, the sample will be tested on the following scheduled test day. STAT testing may be available, contact the lab for more information.
Schedule |
Turnaround Time PCR 1-3 business days from test day; Culture 2-5 days
Description |
This assay targets the RNA of a portion of the matrix gene of the Influenza A virus and the DNA of the glycoprotein B gene from Equine herpesvirus to detect and distinguish EHV-1 and EHV-4.
Species |
Shipping Requirements |
To ensure inclusion in the test run, samples should arrive the day prior to test day.
Additional Instructions |
Panel includes influenza A virus PCR, equine herpesvirus (EHV-1 and EHV-4), and aerobic culture for bacterial respiratory pathogens. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing, if appropriate, will be performed for an additional fee ($30).
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Description |
Ergot alkaloids screen by liquid chromatography- tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS). This assay tests for Ergosine, Ergotamine, Ergocornine, Ergocryptine, Ergocristine, Ergotaminine, Ergocorninine, Ergocryptinine, Ergocristinine. This test does not test for Ergovaline. Detection limit of 20 ppb (0.02 ppm).
Additional Instructions |
For additional information, please see Ergot in Small Grains publication. Submit samples along with the Toxicology Feed and Water Submission Form available here.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON – June thru December
MON | THU – January thru May
Turnaround Time 1-3 business days from test day
Description |
This assay targets the DNA of multiple virulence factors including Shiga-like toxin I (Stx1), Shiga-like toxin II (Stx2), eaeA gene protein product Intimin, F41 pilus, K99 (F5) pilus, and Heat stable toxin a (Sta) that can be found in the bacterium Escherichia coli.
Species |
Bovine | Caprine | Wildlife Exotic | Other
Additional Instructions |
To ensure inclusion in the test run, samples should arrive the day prior to test day. There is no charge for this assay if it is part of a scours case.