Acceptable Samples |
Synthetic swabs (no cotton) in aerobic transport medium (Stuart’s, Amies, or small amount of sterile saline)
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Description |
Isolation and identification of cultivatable bacteria present in diagnostic samples. With few exceptions, tissues and fluids are always preferable to swabs. Please contact the laboratory with any sample collection questions.
Swabs received >5 days from collection date will be rejected due to likelihood of normal flora overgrowth and/or loss of significant pathogens.
For the best results, please include relevant sample information. For example, how the sample was collected (include source and collection date), signalment, clinical signs, lab abnormalities, contributing disease, treatment, differential diagnosis, and in particular, specific questions you have (i.e. why you are submitting the sample). For continuity it is important to include any previously submitted cases; if the accession number is not available, just indicate that prior cases exist. History is critical as it dictates not only case set up but also interpretation of test results.
Species |
Bovine | Canine | Feline | Equine | Ovine | Caprine | Porcine | Wildlife Exotic | Other
Shipping Requirements |
Send samples on ice pack. Overnight or 2-day shipping recommended.
Additional Instructions |
An additional fee is charged for antimicrobial susceptibility testing.
Dry or expired swabs may negatively impact culture results.
Check out our Microbiology page for helpful collection and interpretation information.
Schedule |
Turnaround Time 1-3 business days from day of test
Description |
This is a NAHLN assay; approval to conduct surveillance testing is based upon satisfactory completion of the yearly proficiency test. Please contact your local/state veterinarian before submitting samples to the NDSU-VDL. Specific foreign animal disease investigation (FADI) and collection procedures must be followed before the test can be performed.
Species |
Shipping Requirements |
Samples must be received by 11:00 am of the test day to ensure the reported turnaround time.
Acceptable Samples |
Swabs in anaerobic transport media
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Description |
Isolation and identification of cultivatable anaerobic bacteria present in diagnostic samples.
To ensure a complete workup of the sample, an aerobic culture will automatically be performed with anaerobic culture requests which will incur an additional fee of $22.
Species |
Bovine | Canine | Feline | Equine | Ovine | Caprine | Porcine | Wildlife Exotic | Other
Shipping Requirements |
For best results, ship samples overnight (if possible) at room temperature in a leak proof container.
Additional Instructions |
Preferred specimen is a minimum of 1 ml of exudate/tissue in anaerobic transport medium or a sterile container. Anaerobic transport medium is recommended for best results. Antimicrobial susceptibilities cannot be performed on anaerobic isolates. Please see Anaerobic Specimen Collection Guide for more information.
Check out our Microbiology page for helpful collection and interpretation information.
Schedule |
Turnaround Time 1-3 business days from test day
Description |
This assay targets the DNA of a portion the msp1b gene from the bacterium A. marginale.
Species |
Bovine | Other
Shipping Requirements |
To ensure inclusion in the test run, samples should arrive the day prior to test day.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Description |
Determination of bacterial antibiotic susceptibility patterns of isolates. Charge is per isolate. Check out our Microbiology page for helpful collection and interpretation information.
Species |
Bovine | Canine | Feline | Equine | Ovine | Caprine | Porcine | Wildlife Exotic | Other
Additional Instructions |
AST is no longer routinely performed on owner-submitted (prepaid) samples. In these cases, owners are not typically working with a licensed veterinarian who can provide a prescription or interpretation of the results. Therefore, AST results will no longer be routinely provided. Instead, significant bacterial isolates will be reported to the owner with a note indicating that a veterinarian must request AST from the laboratory. AST will be performed for an additional charge and will be available for up to five days after a final report has been released.
Schedule |
Turnaround Time 1-3 business days from test day
Description |
This is a NAHLN approved PCR assay. Approval to conduct surveillance testing is based upon satisfactory completion of the yearly proficiency test.
Species |
Avian | Other
Additional Instructions |
To ensure inclusion in the test run, samples should arrive the day prior to test day.
Please refer to Avian Sample Collection for Influenza A and Newcastle Disease work instructions for collection information. Please call the laboratory with any questions.
Submitting samples for HPAI in cattle? Please check out our HPAI in Cattle Testing Guidance page.
Acceptable Samples |
Lymph node, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), pleural fluid, respiratory secretions, sputum, ear notches. Please note that processing of ear notch samples may delay the sample turnaround time.
Schedule |
Turnaround Time 24 hours with prior notice
Description |
This assay targets the DNA of a portion of the rpoB, pag, and cap genes from the bacterium Bacillus anthracis. Positive samples for the rpoB gene will subsequently be tested for the presence of the pag and cap genes located on the pX01 and pX02 plasmids, respectively. Research has shown that pathogenic B. anthracis requires the presence of both the pX01 and pX02 plasmids. Apathogenic strains, such as those used for vaccines, may only have one plasmid. Also, other bacilli have tested positive for rpoB and one of the plasmids.
Species |
Bovine | Canine | Feline | Equine | Ovine | Caprine | Porcine | Wildlife Exotic | Other
Shipping Requirements |
Samples must be received by 11:00 am of the test day along with prior notification of the laboratory to ensure the reported turn around time.
The submitter is responsible for adherence to sample shipping regulations. Suggested Shipping Protocol: Place primary sample container (blood collection tube) inside a secondary leak proof container such as a sealable bag with sufficient absorbent material (e.g. paper towels) to absorb liquid contents in the event of a spill or breakage; ship on frozen ice pack. Place paperwork inside separate sealable bag. Place all items above within an insulated inner box or pouch and label inner package “Anthrax suspect”. Do not write this on the outer box. Place the inner package inside a rigid outer cardboard box. Label for Biological Substance Category B, UN3373. Next day delivery is recommended. Review our submission guide for packaging and shipping information.
Do not place any other samples in the box. If the sample is positive, all other samples in the same container will be destroyed.
Additional Instructions |
Necropsy should not be performed if anthrax is suspected. Peripheral blood is the preferred specimen in cattle. Send blood samples in red top tube without serum separator gel (plastic tube is preferred) or EDTA. Do not send syringes with needles still attached. This practice is dangerous and inappropriate. Samples submitted with needles will be rejected for testing.
Please call [(701) 231-7527 or (701) 231-8307] or email (using our contact form) prior to shipping or dropping off your specimen(s). Failure to notify the laboratory prior to submitting the specimen may result in a delay in test results.
In addition to blood, submit exudate or affected lymph nodes for horses and swine as blood may be falsely negative.
Acceptable Samples |
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Turnaround Time 24-48 hours
Description |
Histologic evaluation of biopsy specimen from a skin mass or partial organ. Price includes routine evaluation, description and diagnosis of 1 site or tissue. This includes lung, bone, GI, and multiple skin punch or wedge biopsies.
Species |
Bovine | Canine | Feline | Equine | Ovine | Caprine | Porcine | Wildlife Exotic | Other
Shipping Requirements |
In cold weather, add 1 part ethanol to 9 parts 10% buffered formalin to prevent freezing during transit.
Additional Instructions |
We recommend the use of tissue ink to denote surgical margin when submitting tumors. See our guide for using tissue ink to denote surgical margins. Please use the Biopsy/Surgical Pathology Submission Form for all surgical pathology submissions. For dermatopathology submissions, please use our Dermatopathology Submission Form.
Immunohistochemistry is available for an additional fee. See test catalog for available cell markers and agents.
Acceptable Samples |
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Turnaround Time 24-48 hours
Description |
Histologic evaluation of biopsy specimen from a whole organ, organ system, limb, or tail. Price includes routine evaluation, description, and diagnosis of 1 site or tissue. Examples include spleen, uterus and ovaries, testes, and mammary chain.
Species |
Bovine | Canine | Feline | Equine | Ovine | Caprine | Porcine | Wildlife Exotic | Other
Shipping Requirements |
In cold weather, add 1 part ethanol to 9 parts 10% buffered formalin to prevent freezing during transit.
Additional Instructions |
We recommend the use of tissue ink to denote surgical margin when submitting tumors. See our guide for using tissue ink to denote surgical margins. Please use the Biopsy/Surgical Pathology Submission Form for all surgical pathology submissions.
Immunohistochemistry is available for an additional fee. See test catalog for available cell markers and agents.
Description |
Nine pre-filled formalin jars shipped upon request with a pre-paid shipping labels. Contact the laboratory to request kit.
Schedule |
Days Tested M | T | W | Th | F
Turnaround Time 3-5 days from day of test
Description |
Performed by GC/MS/MS.
Species |
Equine | Ruminants
Shipping Requirements |
Ship overnight on cold packs. Urine should be submitted in a leakproof container.
*Centrifuge blood collected in anticoagulant (EDTA or heparin); remove plasma from cells and submit plasma in a separate tube.
Additional Instructions |
Collect samples from acutely affected animals. Treated animals will have reduced to non-detectable amounts of toxin.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Description |
Isolation and identification of bacteria from blood. Sample must be submitted in blood culture bottle. An additional fee is charged for antibiotic susceptibilities.
Species |
Bovine | Canine | Feline | Equine | Caprine | Porcine | Wildlife Exotic | Other
Shipping Requirements |
For best results, ship samples overnight (if possible) at room temperature in a leak proof container.
Additional Instructions |
Aseptic collection in an appropriate culture bottle are critical for recovery of organisms. Please visit our Microbiology page for blood culture collection instructions. Contact the laboratory with any questions.
Acceptable Samples |
Bone marrow (humerus), about 30 grams
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Turnaround Time 15-20 days
Description |
Estimate of residual fat in bone marrow using an air dry technique.
Species |
Bovine | Equine | Ovine | Caprine | Wildlife Exotic
Shipping Requirements |
Place sample in a zip lock bag, seal well, keep refrigerated and send on ice-pack. Prevent damage during transit by placing in a solid container.
Additional Instructions |
Typically, normal large animals have more than 80% fat in bone marrow and animals suspected of death by starvation have less than 20% residual fat. The assay provides support to observations made by veterinarians and pathologists of fat atrophy in organs and death by starvation.
If animals die in the winter and freeze, intact femur bone can provide adequate bone marrow for analysis for months after death as long as carcasses are frozen. If veterinarians have difficulty removing bone marrow from the femur, the entire femur can be submitted to the lab and the lab will remove the bone marrow, please call the lab in this case.
Please submit about 30 grams of bone marrow from the medullary cavity (no medullary bone). Young animals may have a smaller sample volume. If necessary, sample both femurs to acquire enough bone marrow.
Acceptable Samples |
Schedule |
Days Tested MON – June thru December
MON | THU – January thru May
Turnaround Time 1-3 business days from test day
Description |
This assay targets the DNA of a portion of the glycoprotein B gene from Bovine herpesvirus-1 and RNA of the 5’UTR segment of Bovine viral diarrhea virus. Please be aware that this assay could detect vaccine strains if vaccination occurs within a few days or weeks of testing.
Species |
Shipping Requirements |
To ensure inclusion in the test run, samples should arrive the day prior to test day.
Additional Instructions |
Leptospira PCR can be requested for an additional fee.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Turnaround Time 24-48 hours
Description |
Detection of bovine coronavirus by fluorescent antibody (FA) testing.
Does not react with bovine adenovirus types 1, 3, and 5, bovine leukemia virus, bovine parvovirus, bovine respiratory syncytial virus, bluetongue virus, bovine viral diarrhea virus, bovine herpesvirus-1 (IBR), parainfluenza virus-3, reovirus, rabies recombinant nucleoprotein (rNP), or vesicular stomatitis virus Indiana and New Jersey strains
Species |
Acceptable Samples |
Slides (charged/adhesive)
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Description |
Detection of bovine coronavirus by immunohistochemistry using anti-bovine coronavirus monoclonal antibody (clone BC6-4).
Species |
Shipping Requirements |
In cold weather, add 1 part ethanol to 9 parts 10% buffered formalin to prevent freezing during transit.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON (June-December) || MON | THUR (January-May)
Turnaround Time 1-3 business days from test day
Description |
This assay targets the RNA of a portion of the N gene from Bovine coronavirus (BCoV), RNA of a portion of the VP6 gene from Bovine Rotavirus group A (BRV), and DNA of a portion of the Cryptosporidium oocysts wall protein gene (COWP) from Cryptosporidium parvum (Crypto).
Species |
Shipping Requirements |
To ensure inclusion in the test run, samples should arrive the day prior to test day.
Additional Instructions |
The neonatal diarrhea study panel should be requested for young calves. The neonatal diarrhea study includes bovine diarrhea PCR, bacterial culture, and detection of E. coli virulence factors by PCR if the animal is less than two weeks of age.
Due to the likelihood of positive samples and lack of validation data, the laboratory will not pool samples.
Schedule |
Description |
Detection of antibody to bovine leukemia virus by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).
Species |
Shipping Requirements |
To avoid hemolysis, serum should be removed from the clot and aliquoted to another tube prior to shipping. Hemolysis affects serologic testing and may cause a sample to be rejected. Samples should be kept cold during transport. Avoid freeze-thaw cycles.
Additional Instructions |
APHIS-approved lab for Import/Export. Samples for serologic testing must be received during business hours the day before scheduled testing to ensure inclusion in the test run. If not, they will be tested the following scheduled test day. STAT testing may be available, contact the lab for more information.
Schedule |
Turnaround Time 1-3 business days from test day
Description |
This targets the DNA of a portion of the pol gene from Bovine leukemia virus.
Species |
Shipping Requirements |
To ensure inclusion in the test run, samples should arrive the day prior to test day.
Schedule |
Turnaround Time 1-14 business days from test day, usually within 7 business days
Description |
This targets the DNA of a portion of the pol gene from Bovine leukemia virus.
Species |
Shipping Requirements |
To ensure inclusion in the test run, samples should arrive the day prior to test day. We recommend notifying the Laboratory prior to submitting large cases (>100 individuals) and to submit early in the week to allow for ample processing time.
Package samples appropriately based on weather conditions. Frozen EDTA whole blood samples cannot be tested.
Additional Instructions |
Samples will be pooled by the laboratory in sequential order as listed on the Submission Form/Sample Identification Form. Broken or missing samples will not be shifted or replaced with additional samples. However, if a retest is required, you will only be charged for the actual number of retested individuals. Samples will be pooled by the laboratory in groups of 5. Retest of positive pools is at individual per sample rate.
This test is helpful to detect BLV before animals seroconvert, but not recommended as a replacement for the serology test.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Turnaround Time 24-48 hours
Description |
Detection of bovine parainfluenza type-3 by fluorescent antibody (FA) testing.
Species |
Acceptable Samples |
Nasal or oropharyngeal swabs
Schedule |
Days Tested MON – June thru December
MON | THU – January thru May
Turnaround Time 1-3 business days from test day
Description |
This assay targets the DNA of a portion of the glycoprotein B gene of Bovine herpesvirus-1, RNA of a portion of the N gene from the Bovine coronoavirus, RNA of the 5’UTR segment of Bovine viral diarrhea virus, and RNA of the F gene from the Bovine respiratory syncytial virus. Please be aware that this assay could detect vaccine strains if vaccination occurs within a few days or weeks of testing.
Species |
Shipping Requirements |
To ensure inclusion in the test run, samples should arrive the day prior to test day.
Additional Instructions |
Submit swabs in sterile, redtop tubes (without additives) or other sterile screwcap containers to with a small amount of saline (enough to cover the fibrous head of the swab) to maintain moisture. Viral transport media and universal transport media are also acceptable. Gel, such as culturette media or the type found in serum separator tubes, can inhibit PCR and should not be tested. Bacterial transport containers are not appropriate for PCR testing. If bacterial culture is also requested, please submit a second swab in the appropriate bacterial transport container.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Turnaround Time 24-48 hours
Description |
Detection of bovine respiratory syncytial virus by fluorescent antibody (FA) testing.
Species |
Acceptable Samples |
Slides (charged/adhesive)
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Description |
Detection of bovine respiratory syncytial virus by immunohistochemistry using anti-BRSV polyclonal antibodies.
Species |
Shipping Requirements |
In cold weather, add 1 part ethanol to 9 parts 10% buffered formalin to prevent freezing during transit.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Turnaround Time 24-48 hours
Description |
Detection of bovine viral diarrhea virus 1 and 2 by fluorescent antibody (FA) testing.
Species |
Bovine | Wildlife Exotic
Additional Instructions |
Detects both type I and II BVDV.
Acceptable Samples |
Slides (charged/adhesive)
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Description |
Detection of Bovine viral diarrhea virus by immunohistochemistry using anti-BVDV E0 monoclonal antibody. Initial charge covers up to nine ear notches. Each additional ear notch is $5.00.
Species |
Bovine | Other
Shipping Requirements |
In cold weather, add 1 part ethanol to 9 parts 10% buffered formalin to prevent freezing during transit.
Additional Instructions |
See submission guide for additional information.
Acceptable Samples |
Serum, lung, kidney, intestine, heart, lymph node, placenta
Schedule |
Turnaround Time 1-3 business days from test day
Description |
This assay targets the RNA of the 5’UTR segment of the Bovine viral diarrhea virus. This assay can be tested with BoHV-1 (See Bovine Abortion Multiplex) or with BoHV-1, BCoV and BRSV (See Bovine Respiratory Disease Multiplex).
Species |
Bovine | Ovine | Caprine | Wildlife Exotic | Other
Shipping Requirements |
To ensure inclusion in the test run, samples should arrive the day prior to test day.
Additional Instructions |
Our BVD PCR assays do not differentiate between persistent/chronic infection (PI) and transient/acute infection (TI). See BVDV submission guide for sample collection, submission, and result interpretation information. Ear notches must be submitted in sterile container (red top tube without preservatives or gel, screw top container). Please DO NOT submit ear notches in Ziploc bags or WhirlPaks as processing may be significantly delayed. Please note: We do not currently accept AllFlex Tissue Sampling devices.
EN, EDTA whole blood, or serum samples can be tested in pools (See Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (pooled) PCR).
Acceptable Samples |
Schedule |
Turnaround Time 1-3 business days from test day
Description |
This assay targets the RNA of the 5’UTR segment of the Bovine viral diarrhea virus. Please be aware that this assay could detect vaccine strains if vaccination occurs within a few days or weeks of testing.
Species |
Bovine | Other
Shipping Requirements |
To ensure inclusion in the test run, samples should arrive the day prior to test day.
Package samples appropriately for the weather conditions. Frozen EDTA whole blood samples cannot be tested; however, frozen serum is acceptable. If freezing is a concern due to weather conditions, please submit serum.
Additional Instructions |
Our BVD PCR assays do not differentiate between persistent/chronic infection (PI) and transient/acute infection (TI). See BVDV submission guide for sample collection, submission, and result interpretation information. Please note: We do not currently accept AllFlex Tissue Sampling devices.
Ear notches must be submitted in sterile container (red top tube without gel or preservatives, screw top container). Please do not submit ear notches in Ziploc bags or Whirl-paks as processing may be significantly delayed.
Large numbers of samples (>50) should be submitted the day before scheduled test day to ensure reported turn around time.
Pools will be made at the lab in groups of up to 15 samples. Samples will be pooled by the laboratory in sequential order as listed on the Submission Form/Sample Identification Form. Broken or missing samples will not be shifted or replaced with additional samples. However, if a retest is required, you will only be charged for the actual number of retested individuals.
Retest of positive individual samples is at current individual per sample rate.
Acceptable Samples |
Perirenal fat (20 g)
Liver (20 g)
Schedule |
Days Tested M | T | W | Th | F
Description |
Detection of desmethyl bromethalin, a biological metabolite of bromethalin by LC-MS/MS.
Species |
Shipping Requirements |
Submit on ice packs or frozen.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU – JUNE 1 TO SEPT 30
Description |
Detection of antibody to Brucella abortus by buffered acidified plate antigen (BAPA) testing.
Species |
Bovine | Bison | Equine | Porcine | Elk | Moose |Deer | Other
Shipping Requirements |
To avoid hemolysis, serum should be removed from the clot and aliquoted to another tube prior to shipping. Hemolysis affects serologic testing and may cause a sample to be rejected. Samples should be kept cold during transport. Avoid freeze-thaw cycles.
Additional Instructions |
VS form 4-33 Brucellosis Test Record or NDSU Serology Form suggested. Official Identification recommended on sample and submission form with veterinarian signature and license number. APHIS-approved lab for Import/Export. The type of Brucella test required is destination dependent. Submitter is responsible for checking destination requirements.
Note: Samples for serologic testing must be received during business hours the day before scheduled testing to ensure inclusion in the test run. If not, the sample will be tested on the following scheduled test day. STAT testing may be available, contact the lab for more information.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU – JUNE 1 TO SEPT 30
Description |
Detection of antibody to Brucella abortus/suis by card agglutination testing.
Species |
3% card: Caprine | Ovine | Big Horn Sheep | Mountain Goat
8% card: Porcine (suis) | Canine (abortus) | Other
Shipping Requirements |
To avoid hemolysis, serum should be removed from the clot and aliquoted to another tube prior to shipping. Hemolysis affects serologic testing and may cause a sample to be rejected. Samples should be kept cold during transport. Avoid freeze-thaw cycles.
Additional Instructions |
VS form 4-33 Brucellosis Test Record or NDSU Serology Form suggested. Official Identification recommended on sample and submission form with veterinarian signature and license number. APHIS-approved lab for Import/Export. The type of Brucella test required is destination dependent. Submitter is responsible for checking destination requirements.
Note: Samples for serologic testing must be received during business hours the day before scheduled testing to ensure inclusion in the test run. If not, the sample will be included in the run on the following scheduled test day. STAT testing may be available, contact the lab for more information.
Schedule |
Description |
Detection of antibody to Brucella ovis by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).
Species |
Shipping Requirements |
To avoid hemolysis, serum should be removed from the clot and aliquoted to another tube prior to shipping. Hemolysis affects serologic testing and may cause a sample to be rejected. Samples should be kept cold during transport. Avoid freeze-thaw cycles.
Additional Instructions |
APHIS-approved laboratory for Import/Export. Tests for antibody to Brucella ovis.
Note: Samples for serologic testing must be received during business hours the day before scheduled testing to ensure inclusion in the test run. If not, the sample will be tested on the following scheduled test day. STAT testing may be available, contact the lab for more information.
Acceptable Samples |
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Description |
Isolation and identification of Campylobacter species from diagnostic samples.
Check out our Microbiology page for helpful collection and interpretation information.
Species |
Bovine | Canine | Feline | Equine | Caprine | Porcine | Wildlife Exotic | Other
Shipping Requirements |
Send intestinal or fecal samples on ice pack overnight in a leak proof container. Fluid samples from reproductive sites must be submitted in a specific transport media and arrive at the lab no longer than 24-hours after collection.
Additional Instructions |
Modified Cary-Blair or other fecal transport media may be used for fecal submissions.
For isolation of Campylobacter from reproductive sites, collection and proper transport is essential for isolation by culture. Weybridge transport media is recommended and is available for purchase from the Wisconsin Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory Madison, WI. Telephone 608-262-5432. Ask for the media specialist. Allow sufficient time (3-5 working days) for delivery. Refer to abortion submission recommendations if Campylobacter is suspected.
Antimicrobial susceptibility testing is not performed on Campylobacter species at NDSU-VDL.
Schedule |
Turnaround Time 1-3 business days from test day
Description |
This assay differentiates select Campylobacter fetus subspecies from culture submissions by targeting DNA fragments of the nahE gene from C. fetus and a portion of the ISCfe-1 gene from the bacterium C. fetus subsp. venerealis, the agent of bovine genital campylobacteriosis (vibrio).
Note: If submitting a preputial washing for both Tritrichomonas and C. venerealis testing, samples cannot be pooled for either test as there is not enough processed specimen for individual testing if positive.
Species |
Bovine | Other
Shipping Requirements |
Send on cold pack/ice in sterile leak-proof container within 24 hours. To ensure inclusion in the test run, samples should arrive the day prior to test day.
Schedule |
Turnaround Time 1-3 business days from test day
Description |
This assay targets a portion of cj0414 oxidoreductase gene from C. jejuni.
Species |
Bovine | Canine | Feline | Equine | Ovine | Caprine | Porcine | Wildlife Exotic | Other
Shipping Requirements |
To ensure inclusion in the test run, samples should arrive the day prior to test day.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Turnaround Time 24-48 hours
Description |
Detection of canine coronavirus by fluorescent antibody (FA) testing.
Species |
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Turnaround Time 24-48 hours
Description |
Detection of canine distemper virus by fluorescent antibody (FA) testing.
Species |
Acceptable Samples |
EDTA whole blood (1 ml minimum); Swabs (conjunctiva, oropharyngeal, rectal)
Schedule |
Turnaround Time 1-3 business days from test day
Description |
This targets the RNA of a portion of the N protein gene from the Canine distemper virus. Please be aware that this assay could detect vaccine strains if vaccination occurs within a few days or weeks of testing. This assay is available as part of the Canine Respiratory Panel.
*Full price for the first sample, half price for an additional sample on the same animal.
Species |
Canine | Wildlife | Exotic | Other
Additional Instructions |
To ensure inclusion in the test run, samples should arrive the day prior to test day. Submit swabs in sterile, redtop tubes (without additives) or other sterile screwcap containers to with a small amount of saline (enough to cover the fibrous head of the swab) to maintain moisture. Viral transport media and universal transport media are also acceptable. Gel, such as culturette media or the type found in serum separator tubes can inhibit PCR and should not be tested. Bacterial transport containers are not appropriate for PCR testing. If bacterial culture is also requested, please submit a second swab in the appropriate bacterial transport container.
Acceptable Samples |
Ocular swab
Schedule |
Turnaround Time 1-3 business days from test day
Description |
This assay targets the DNA of a portion of the glycoprotein B gene from Canine herpesvirus-1.
Species |
Additional Instructions |
To ensure inclusion in the test run, samples should arrive the day prior to test day. Submit swabs in sterile, redtop tubes (without additives) or other sterile screwcap containers to with a small amount of saline (enough to cover the fibrous head of the swab) to maintain moisture. Viral transport media and universal transport media are also acceptable. Gel, such as culturette media or the type found in serum separator tubes, can inhibit PCR and should not be tested. Bacterial transport containers are not appropriate for PCR testing. If bacterial culture is also requested, please submit a second swab in the appropriate bacterial transport container. CHV-1 PCR testing should be focused on neonatal puppies, where the virus can cause fatal hepatic and renal necrosis. Adult dogs are susceptible to CHV-1, but the infection is usually asymptomatic or subclinical. Due to the potential for reactivation of a latent infection, CHV-1 PCR should be used as a tool for confirmation of a clinical diagnosis.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Turnaround Time 24-48 hours
Description |
Detection of canine parvovirus 2 by fluorescent antibody (FA) testing.
Species |
Additional Instructions |
Does not react with canine parvovirus type 1.
Acceptable Samples |
Canine: Lung, liver, spleen, kidney, heart | Feline: Cerebellum
Schedule |
Turnaround Time 1-3 business days from test day
Description |
This assay targets the DNA of a portion of theVP2 gene from Canine parvovirus-2 and Feline panleukopenia virus. This assay cannot differentiate CPV-2 and FPLV.
Species |
Canine | Feline
Shipping Requirements |
To ensure inclusion in the test run, samples should arrive the day prior to test day.
Additional Instructions |
The virus is usually only detectable in the feces for up to 2 weeks after infection.
Schedule |
Turnaround Time PCR 1-3 business days from test day; Culture 2-5 days
Description |
This assay targets the RNA of a portion of the matrix gene of the Influenza A virus, and N protein gene from the canine distemper virus. Please be aware that this assay could detect vaccine strains if vaccination occurs within a few days or weeks of testing.
Species |
Shipping Requirements |
To ensure inclusion in the test run, samples should arrive the day prior to test day.
Additional Instructions |
Panel includes canine influenza A virus (all known types), canine distemper virus, and aerobic culture for bacterial respiratory pathogens (Bordetella spp., Streptococcus spp., Mycoplasma spp., etc).
Acceptable Samples |
Heparin or EDTA whole blood/plasma- minimum of 0.5 ml
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Description |
This snap test kit detects Dirofilaria immitis antigen, antibody to Anaplasma phagocytophilum, antibody to A. platys, antibody to Borrelia burgdorferi, antibody to Ehrlichia canis, and antibody to E. ewingii using the IDEXX snap test kit.
Species |
Shipping Requirements |
Submit samples on ice.
Additional Instructions |
Assay is only validated/approved for canine samples. Other species can be tested but a disclaimer will be applied to the results. This test method is not affected by hemolysis or lipemia.
Acceptable Samples |
Slides (charged/adhesive)
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Description |
Immunohistochemistry for CD117 labels the transmembrane tyrosine kinase receptor located in hematopoietic stem cells, melanocytes, mast cells, Cajal cells, germ cells, basal cells of skin and mammary ductal epithelia.
Species |
Canine | Feline
Shipping Requirements |
In cold weather, add 1 part ethanol to 9 parts 10% buffered formalin to prevent freezing during transit.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Description |
CD20 is expressed primarily on B-cells but has also been detected on both normal and neoplastic T-cells.
Species |
Canine | Feline
Shipping Requirements |
In cold weather, add 1 part ethanol to 9 parts 10% buffered formalin to prevent freezing during transit.
Acceptable Samples |
Slides (charged/adhesive)
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Description |
Identification of CD3 (T cell) markers by immunohistochemistry using anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody (clone LN10).
Species |
Canine | Feline
Shipping Requirements |
In cold weather, add 1 part ethanol to 9 parts 10% buffered formalin to prevent freezing during transit.
Acceptable Samples |
Slides (charged/adhesive)
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Description |
Identification of CD79a (B cell) markers by immunohistochemistry using anti-CD79a monoclonal antibody (clone HM57).
Species |
Canine | Feline
Shipping Requirements |
In cold weather, add 1 part ethanol to 9 parts 10% buffered formalin to prevent freezing during transit.
Acceptable Samples |
Vaginal swab, Tissue (synovium, placenta, fetal organs)
Schedule |
Turnaround Time 1-3 business days from test day
Description |
This assay targets the DNA of a portion of the 23S rRNA gene from bacterial Chlamydiae species C. abortus (previously C. psittaci), C. pecorum (previously C. psittaci serotype 2), and C. psittaci.
Species |
Ovine | Caprine | Wildlife Exotic | Other
Shipping Requirements |
To ensure inclusion in the test run, samples should arrive the day prior to test day.
Additional Instructions |
Submit swabs in sterile, redtop tubes (without additives) or other sterile screwcap containers to with a small amount of saline (enough to cover the fibrous head of the swab) to maintain moisture. Viral transport media and universal transport media are also acceptable. Gel, such as culturette media or the type found in serum separator tubes, can inhibit PCR and should not be tested. Bacterial transport containers are not appropriate for PCR testing. If bacterial culture is also requested, please submit a second swab in the appropriate bacterial transport container.
Acceptable Samples |
Tonsil scraping, swab
Schedule |
Turnaround Time 1-3 business days from test day
Description |
This is a NAHLN assay; approval to conduct surveillance testing is based upon satisfactory completion of the yearly proficiency test. Please contact your local/state veterinarian before submitting samples to the NDSU-VDL. Specific foreign animal disease investigation (FADI) and collection procedures must be followed before the test can be performed.
Species |
Shipping Requirements |
Samples must be received by 11:00 am of the test day to ensure the reported turn around time.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Turnaround Time 24-48 hours
Description |
Detection of Clostridium chauvoei by fluorescent antibody (FA) testing.
Acceptable Samples |
EDTA whole blood (1 ml minimum)
Schedule |
Turnaround Time 1-3 business days from test day
Description |
This assay targets the DNA of a portion of the flagellin (fliC) gene from the bacterium Clostridium haemolyticum.
Please note that the bacterium is not widely spread throughout the liver and is concentrated at the infarct. Therefore, for best results, it is important to submit a section of liver that includes the infarct.
Species |
Bovine | Equine | Ovine | Porcine | Wildlife Exotic | Other
Shipping Requirements |
To ensure inclusion in the test run, samples should arrive the day prior to test day.
Additional Instructions |
Antibiotic treatment may interfere with PCR detection.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Turnaround Time 24-48 hours
Description |
Detection of Clostridium novyi by fluorescent antibody (FA) testing.
Schedule |
Turnaround Time 1-3 business days from test day if type A. Up to 4 weeks for types other than type A.
Description |
This assay targets the DNA of the toxin genes cpa (α-toxin), cpb (β-toxin), etx (ε-toxin), itxA (ι-toxin), and cpe (enterotoxin) from the bacterium Clostridium perfringens.
Species |
Bovine | Canine | Equine | Ovine | Porcine
Shipping Requirements |
To ensure inclusion in the test run, samples should arrive the day prior to test day.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Description |
Isolation and identification of Clostridium perfringens from diagnostic samples. An enteric culture is required for C. perfringens requests. Cost of the enteric panel is included the price of the C. perfringens panel.
Species |
Bovine | Canine | Feline | Equine | Caprine | Porcine | Wildlife Exotic | Other
Shipping Requirements |
Send samples on ice pack in a sterile, leak-proof container. Overnight or 2 day shipping for samples is recommended.
Additional Instructions |
Check out our Microbiology page for helpful collection and interpretation information.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Turnaround Time 24-48 hours
Description |
Detection of Clostridium septicum by fluorescent antibody (FA) testing.
Description |
Copper included as part of the Trace Mineral/Heavy Metal Screen (Tissue) or Trace Mineral Screen (Serum) tests. Refer to appropriate test pages for testing details.
Description |
In-town (Fargo/Moorhead) clinic sample pick-up. Courier travels to clinics requesting sample pick-ups on pre-determined days. Clinic may request pick-ups as needed prior to noon on the day of courier. Contact the laboratory for details and to request service.
Acceptable Samples |
Slides (charged/adhesive)
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Description |
Dectection of Cryptosporidium species by modified acid-fast stain.
Species |
Bovine | Canine | Feline | Equine | Ovine | Caprine | Porcine | Wildlife Exotic | Other
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Description |
Determination of cyanide potential by ion-selective electrode (ISE).
Species |
Feed Forage
Shipping Requirements |
Seal in plastic bag and ship in cardboard box. Do NOT send frozen. Samples chopped, frosted, frozen or crimped may give off cyanide for several days, and analysis may not reflect accurate cyanide potential. Overnight or next-day delivery of samples preferred.
Acceptable Samples |
Slides (charged/adhesive)
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Description |
Immunohistochemistry using multi-cytokeratin (AE1/AE3) polyclonal antibodies.
Species |
Canine | Feline
Shipping Requirements |
In cold weather, add 1 part ethanol to 9 parts 10% buffered formalin to prevent freezing during transit.
Acceptable Samples |
Slides prepared from fine needle aspirates, swabs, impression smears, and scrapings.
Slides prepared from fluid samples (synovial, peritoneal, thoracic, pericardial, bursal in EDTA and sterile serum tube (RTT)).
No coverslips.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Description |
CYTOLOGY REFERRAL TEST: Cytology is referred to Zoetis using the Zoetis VETSCAN IMAGYSTTM. Board-certified clinical pathologists at Zoetis will evaluate cytologic slides.
If more than two slides per site are submitted, the two slides with the most sample will be used.
Cytologic samples may be collected by swabbing, scraping, and/or aspirating the lesion. Cytologic smears should be prepared immediately after collection and air dried.
Species |
Bovine | Canine | Feline | Equine | Ovine | Caprine | Porcine | Wildlife Exotic | Other
Shipping Requirements |
Submit slides in a protective slide case holder.
Additional Instructions |
SUBMIT SLIDES ONLY. More than four slides or more than two collection sites will incur additional cytology testing fees ($80).
Acceptable Samples |
Blood smear slides, no cover slips.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Description |
Requires submission of complete blood count plus other relevant clinical data. This data should be sent to lab with the submission form or emailed to make a note on submission form if emailing clinical data.
CYTOLOGY REFERRAL TEST: Cytology is referred to Zoetis using the Zoetis VETSCAN IMAGYSTTM. Board-certified clinical pathologists at Zoetis will evaluate blood smear slides, along with other relevant clinical data. If more than two slides per site are submitted, the two slides with the most sample will be used.
Species |
Bovine | Canine | Feline | Equine | Ovine | Caprine | Porcine | wildlife | exotic | other
Shipping Requirements |
Submit slides in a protective slide case holder.
Additional Instructions |
See the video “AI Blood Smear: Do’s and Don’ts” by Zoetis on how to prepare blood smears:
Schedule |
Turnaround Time 1-3 business days from test day
Description |
This assay targets the DNA of portions of the 18SrRNA, ITS1, ITS2, and 5.8S genes from multiple fungal species associated with ringworm infections. This assay detects Microsporum canis, M. gypseum, Trychophyton verrucosum and T. mentagrophytes.
Species |
Bovine | Canine | Feline | Equine | Ovine | Caprine | Porcine | Wildlife Exotic | Other
Shipping Requirements |
Please double-bag samples to ensure sample containment. To ensure inclusion in the test run, samples should arrive the day prior to test day.
Acceptable Samples |
Slides (charged/adhesive)
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Description |
Immunohistochemistry using anti-desmin monoclonal antibody (clone DE-R-11).
Species |
Canine | Feline
Shipping Requirements |
In cold weather, add 1 part ethanol to 9 parts 10% buffered formalin to prevent freezing during transit.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Description |
Detection of dicumarol by thin-layer chromatography (TLC).
Acceptable Samples |
Slides, hair, skin scrapings
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Turnaround Time Same day results if received by 1:00 p.m.
Description |
Identification of ectoparasites. Samples must be collected from animals.
Species |
Bovine | Canine | Feline | Equine | Ovine | Caprine | Porcine | Wildlife Exotic | Other
Shipping Requirements |
Collect sample in a clear, dry, sealed sterile container. Sample may also be submitted in 70% alcohol.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Description |
Evaluation of samples for viral particles by transmission electron microscopy.
Species |
Bovine | Canine | Feline | Equine | Ovine | Caprine | Porcine | Wildlife Exotic | Other
Additional Instructions |
Do not freeze. Frozen samples are not acceptable for testing.
Acceptable Samples |
Lymph node
Schedule |
Turnaround Time 1-3 business days from test day
Description |
This assay targets the RNA of a portion of the NS1 from the Epizootic hemorrhagic disease (EHD) virus. This assay detects representatives of at least 7 known serotypes of EHD; however, serotypes cannot be differentiated and evidence suggests that not all sequence variants of all serotypes may be efficiently detected with this assay.
Species |
Bovine | Ovine | Caprine | Wildlife Exotic | Other
Shipping Requirements |
To ensure inclusion in the test run, samples should arrive the day prior to test day.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Turnaround Time 24-48 hours
Description |
Detection of equine herpesvirus-1 (EHV-1) by fluorescent antibody (FA) testing.
Species |
Acceptable Samples |
Cell culture, brain, spinal cord
Schedule |
Turnaround Time 1-3 business days from test day
Description |
This assay targets the DNA of the glycoprotein B gene from Equine herpes virus to detect and distinguish EHV-1 and EHV-4. However, this assay cannot distinguish mutant or neuropathogenic strains of EHV-1.
*Full price for the first sample, half price for an additional sample from the same animal.
Species |
Equine | Other
Shipping Requirements |
To ensure inclusion in the test run, samples should arrive the day prior to test day.
Additional Instructions |
Submit synthetic nasal swabs in a sterile container with approximately 1 ml sterile saline or in viral transport media to maintain moisture. Swabs in bacteria transport media are not recommended for PCR and may be rejected.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU – JUNE 1 TO SEPT 30
Description |
Detection of antibody to equine infectious anemia (EIA) by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).
Species |
Shipping Requirements |
To avoid hemolysis, serum should be removed from the clot and aliquoted to another tube prior to shipping. Hemolysis affects serologic testing and may cause a sample to be rejected. Samples should be kept cold during transport. Avoid freeze-thaw cycles.
Additional Instructions |
APHIS-approved lab for Import/Export. Official Federal EIA Report form required with all submissions. Submitting veterinarians must accurately and fully complete the official form and uniquely identify the animal, including narrative descriptions. Please visit our Resources page for more information regarding completion of the EIA form.
An accession fee of $12 per case will be charged for EIA submissions received with a paper EIA Form 10-11. The accession fee will be waived for electronic submissions (i.e., VSPS or Global Vetlink – please send the printed lab submittal form with the samples). Original paper reports are no longer mailed to veterinarians or owners. All Coggins test results and invoices will be emailed after testing has been completed. An original paper copy of the results may be requested, however, the request must be indicated on/with the original submission form and an additional $5 handling/mailing fee will be applied.
Note: Samples for serologic testing must be received during business hours the day before scheduled testing to ensure inclusion in the test run. If not, the sample will be tested on the following scheduled test day. STAT testing may be available, contact the lab for more information.
Schedule |
Turnaround Time PCR 1-3 business days from test day; Culture 2-5 days
Description |
This assay targets the RNA of a portion of the matrix gene of the Influenza A virus and the DNA of the glycoprotein B gene from Equine herpesvirus to detect and distinguish EHV-1 and EHV-4.
Species |
Shipping Requirements |
To ensure inclusion in the test run, samples should arrive the day prior to test day.
Additional Instructions |
Panel includes influenza A virus PCR, equine herpesvirus (EHV-1 and EHV-4), and aerobic culture for bacterial respiratory pathogens. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing, if appropriate, will be performed for an additional fee ($30).
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Description |
Ergot alkaloids screen by liquid chromatography- tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS). This assay tests for Ergosine, Ergosinine, Ergotamine, Ergocornine, Ergocryptine, Ergocristine, Ergotaminine, Ergocorninine, Ergocryptinine, Ergocristinine. This test does not test for Ergovaline. Detection limit of 20 ppb (0.02 ppm).
Additional Instructions |
For additional information, please see Ergot in Small Grains publication. Submit samples along with the Toxicology Feed and Water Submission Form available here.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON – June thru December
MON | THU – January thru May
Turnaround Time 1-3 business days from test day
Description |
This assay targets the DNA of multiple virulence factors including Shiga-like toxin I (Stx1), Shiga-like toxin II (Stx2), eaeA gene protein product Intimin, F41 pilus, K99 (F5) pilus, and Heat stable toxin a (Sta) that can be found in the bacterium Escherichia coli.
Species |
Bovine | Caprine | Wildlife Exotic | Other
Additional Instructions |
To ensure inclusion in the test run, samples should arrive the day prior to test day. There is no charge for this assay if it is part of a scours case.
Acceptable Samples |
Slides (charged/adhesive)
Schedule |
Days Tested
Description |
Immunohistochemistry using anti-human von Willebrand factor polyclonal antibodies.
Species |
Canine | Feline
Shipping Requirements |
In cold weather, add 1 part ethanol to 9 parts 10% buffered formalin to prevent freezing during transit.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Description |
A sedimentation technique is used to concentrate trematode eggs (flukes) such as Fasciola hepatica, Fascioloides magna, and Paragonimus.
Species |
Bovine | Ovine | Caprine
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Description |
Isolation and identification of fecal bacterial pathogens from large animal diagnostic samples.
Species |
Bovine | Equine | Ovine | Caprine | Porcine | Wildlife Exotic | Other
Shipping Requirements |
Send samples on ice pack in a leak proof container. Overnight or 2 day shipping is recommended.
Additional Instructions |
Aerobic culture including assessment of normal enteric flora and special culture for Salmonella sp. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing is not routinely performed on bacterial isolates from enteric sources due to lack of in vivo efficacy. Samples from different animals will not be pooled for culture. For small animals see Fecal culture (small animal).
Check out our Microbiology page for helpful collection and interpretation information.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Description |
Isolation and identification of fecal bacterial pathogens from small animal diagnostic samples.
Species |
Canine | Feline | Wildlife Exotic | Other
Shipping Requirements |
Send samples on ice pack in a leak proof container. Overnight or 2 day shipping for samples is recommended.
Additional Instructions |
Includes special cultures for Salmonella sp., Camplyobacter sp. and Yersinia sp. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing is not routinely performed on bacterial isolates from enteric sources due to lack of in vivo efficacy. For large animals see fecal culture (large animal).
Check out our Microbiology page for helpful collection and interpretation information.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Turnaround Time Same day if received by 1:00 p.m.
Description |
Identification of protozoan trophozoites and cysts. Direct smear is ideal for protozoans that float poorly or are readily distorted by flotation solutions.
Species |
Bovine | Canine | Feline | Equine | Ovine | Caprine | Porcine | Wildlife Exotic | Other
Shipping Requirements |
Submit samples on ice within one day of collection whenever possible.
Additional Instructions |
Very little fecal material is used for this procedure, therefore, the sensitivity of this test is low. It is not recommended for routine fecal examinations.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Turnaround Time Same day if received by 12:00 p.m.
Description |
The McMaster fecal analysis is a quantitative analysis designed to determine the presence or absence of strongyle and ascarid eggs expressed as eggs per gram through a controlled sampling of feces.
Species |
Bovine | Equine | Ovine | Caprine
Shipping Requirements |
Submit samples on ice within one day of collection whenever possible.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Turnaround Time Same day if received by 1:00 p.m.
Description |
Centrifugal flotation method for qualitative (parasites present or absent) analysis of fecal material to determine the presence of parasite eggs (nematodes, cestodes, trematodes) as well as the presence of coccidia (Eimeria, Isospora). Relative quantities of parasites are not provided as part of the test result.
If quantitation of Stongyle type eggs is desired, please request a McMaster’s Egg Count.
Species |
Bovine | Canine | Feline | Equine | Ovine | Caprine | Porcine | Wildlife Exotic | Other
Shipping Requirements |
Submit samples on ice within one day of collection whenever possible.
Additional Instructions |
Dried samples, such as those submitted on a swab, are unacceptable for examination and will be rejected.
Acceptable Samples |
Spleen, lymph node, kidney, omentum, liver, brain, EDTA whole blood (1 ml minimum)
Schedule |
Turnaround Time 1-3 business days from test day
Description |
This assay targets the RNA of a portion of the 7b gene from Feline coronavirus. This assay cannot distinguish between FIPV (feline infectious peritonitis virus) and FECV (feline enteric coronavirus); therefore, a FIP diagnosis should also take into account other diagnostic tests including case history, hematology, and histopathological examination of biopsies.
Species |
Shipping Requirements |
To ensure inclusion in the test run, samples should arrive the day prior to test day.
Additional Instructions |
Test can be performed on EDTA whole blood but it is not recommended. Detection outside of the intestinal tract supports a FIP diagnosis. Care should be taken such that samples remain uncontaminated by fecal material.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Turnaround Time 24-48 hours
Description |
Detection of feline herpesvirus by fluorescent antibody (FA) testing.
Species |
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Turnaround Time 24-48 hours
Description |
Detection of feline panleukopenia virus by fluorescent antibody (FA) testing.
Species |
Acceptable Samples |
Canine: Lung, liver, spleen, kidney, heart | Feline: Cerebellum
Schedule |
Turnaround Time 1-3 business days from test day
Description |
This assay targets the DNA of a portion of the VP2 gene from Canine parvovirus-2 and Feline Panleukopenia virus. This assay cannot differentiate CPV-2 and FPLV. The virus is usually only detectable in the feces for up to 2 weeks after infection.
Species |
Feline | Canine
Shipping Requirements |
To ensure inclusion in the test run, samples should arrive the day prior to test day.
Schedule |
Turnaround Time 1-3 business days from test day
Description |
This assay targets the RNA of a portion of the Orf1 region from the Feline Calicivirus and DNA of a portion of the glycoprotein B gene from Feline Herpesvirus-1.
Species |
Shipping Requirements |
To ensure inclusion in the test run, samples should arrive the day prior to test day.
Additional Instructions |
Submit swabs in sterile, redtop tubes (without additives) or other sterile screwcap containers to with a small amount of saline (enough to cover the fibrous head of the swab) to maintain moisture. Viral transport media and universal transport media are also acceptable. Gel, such as culturette media or the type found in serum separator tubes, can inhibit PCR and should not be tested. Bacterial transport containers are not appropriate for PCR testing. If bacterial culture is also requested, please submit a second swab in the appropriate bacterial transport container.
Acceptable Samples |
Whole blood (EDTA, Heparin), (0.5 ml minimum)
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Turnaround Time Same day results if received by 1:00 p.m.
Description |
Detection of Dirofilaria immitis antigen, feline leukemia virus antigen, and antibody to feline immunodeficiency virus. This test method is not affected by hemolysis or lipemia.
Species |
Shipping Requirements |
Submit samples on ice.
Schedule |
Description |
This is a NAHLN assay; approval to conduct surveillance testing is based upon satisfactory completion of the yearly proficiency test. Please contact your local/state veterinarian before submitting samples to the NDSU-VDL. Specific foreign animal disease investigation (FADI) and collection procedures must be followed before the test can be performed.
Species |
Bovine | Ovine | Caprine | Porcine | Wildlife Exotic | Other
Shipping Requirements |
Samples must be received 11 a.m. on the test day to ensure the reported turn around time.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED |THU | FRI
Turnaround Time 14-28 days, some isolates may require additional incubation for structure formation and may result in extended turnaround time
Description |
Isolation and identification of fungus from diagnostic samples. Preliminary reports will be sent out at approximately day 14 with final report to follow after 4 weeks of incubation.
Species |
Shipping Requirements |
Send samples on ice packs. Overnight or 2-day shipping recommended whenever possible.
Additional Instructions |
Check out our Microbiology page for helpful collection and interpretation information.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Turnaround Time 14-21 days- some isolates may require additional incubation for structure formation and may result in extended turnaround time
Description |
Isolation and identification of fungus from diagnostic samples.
Species |
Bovine* | Canine | Feline | Equine | Ovine | Caprine | Porcine | Wildlife Exotic | Other
Shipping Requirements |
Send hair or brush in closed container or bag. Ship at room temperature.
Additional Instructions |
Need a rapid result? We also offer Dermatophyte species PCR.
Check out our Microbiology page for helpful collection and interpretation information.
*Isolation of the main fungal agent of bovine ringworm is unlikely due to culture method limitations. Dermatophyte species PCR is recommended for bovine ringworm.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Turnaround Time Same day if received by 1:00 p.m.
Description |
Detection of Giardia by rapid enzyme immunoassay.
Species |
Canine | Feline
Shipping Requirements |
Submit samples on ice within one day of collection whenever possible.
Acceptable Samples |
Slides (charged/adhesive)
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Description |
Immunohistochemistry using anti-glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) polyclonal antibodies.
Species |
Shipping Requirements |
In cold weather, add 1 part ethanol to 9 parts 10% buffered formalin to prevent freezing during transit.
Acceptable Samples |
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Turnaround Time 24-48 hours from day of test
Description |
Histologic evaluation of tissue(s) from a deceased animal. Price includes routine evaluation, description and diagnosis of tissues from one animal.
Species |
Bovine | Canine | Feline | Equine | Ovine | Caprine | Porcine | Wildlife Exotic | Other
Shipping Requirements |
In cold weather, add 1 part ethanol to 9 parts 10% buffered formalin to prevent freezing during transit.
Additional Instructions |
Please use the Biopsy/Surgical Pathology Submission Form for all surgical pathology submissions.
Immunohistochemistry is available for an additional fee. See test catalog for available cell markers and agents.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Description |
Microglia (Iba-1) is a rabbit polyclonal antibody intended for use in the qualitative identification of Iba-1 protein by immunohistochemistry.
Species |
Canine | Feline
Shipping Requirements |
In cold weather, add 1 part ethanol to 9 parts 10% buffered formalin to prevent freezing during transit.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Turnaround Time 24-48 hours
Description |
Detection of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus (BHV-1) by fluorescent antibody (FA) testing.
Species |
Schedule |
Turnaround Time 1-3 business days from test day
Description |
This assay targets the RNA of a portion of the matrix gene of the Influenza A virus. For canines this assay is available as part of the Canine Respiratory Panel.
Species |
Canine | Equine | Feline | Porcine | Other
Shipping Requirements |
To ensure inclusion in the test run, samples should arrive the day prior to test day.
Additional Instructions |
The preferred specimen can vary depending on the agent, species of animal, and manifestation of disease. If you are unsure of the suitability of the specimen for a particular disease or agent, please contact the laboratory.
Submit swabs in sterile, redtop tubes (without additives) or other sterile screwcap containers to with a small amount of saline (enough to cover the fibrous head of the swab) to maintain moisture. Viral transport media and universal transport media are also acceptable. Gel, such as culturette media or the type found in serum separator tubes, can inhibit PCR and should not be tested. Bacterial transport containers are not appropriate for PCR testing. If bacterial culture is also requested, please submit a second swab in the appropriate bacterial transport container.
Surveillance sample turn around time is within 1 day from receipt of sample.
Description |
Preparation of bacteria or sample for shipment to a referral laboratory for additional testing or autogenous vaccine preparation. An additional fee for shipment to referral laboratory will also apply.
Schedule |
Days Tested WED | FRI – OCT 1 TO MAY 31
Description |
Detection of antibody to Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).
Species |
Bovine | Caprine | Ovine
Shipping Requirements |
To avoid hemolysis, serum should be removed from the clot and aliquoted to another tube prior to shipping. Hemolysis affects serologic testing and may cause a sample to be rejected. Samples should be kept cold during transport. Avoid freeze-thaw cycles.
Additional Instructions |
APHIS-approved lab for Import/Export. Results are reported as S/P ratio (Sample/Positive) not a titer. This test is not currently approved by USDA for Ovine testing and results are reported with a disclaimer.
Contact the laboratory prior to submitting large numbers of samples (>100 samples) to ensure sufficient reagents are available.
Note: Samples for serologic testing must be received during business hours the day before scheduled testing to ensure inclusion in the test run. If not, they will be run the following scheduled test day. STAT testing may be available, contact the lab for more information.
Schedule |
Turnaround Time 1-3 days for individual samples
Description |
This assay targets the DNA of a portion of the genome of the bacterium Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (aka: MAP, Johne’s).
Species |
Bovine | Ovine | Caprine | Wildlife Exotic | Other
Shipping Requirements |
To ensure inclusion in the test run, samples should arrive the day prior to test day.
Additional Instructions |
See submission guide for sample collection and submission guidelines.
Indicate whether the samples should be pooled or tested individually, otherwise submissions containing greater than 5 samples will be pooled. Fecal samples can be tested in pools of up to 5 samples. Pooling will be done at the laboratory. See Johne’s Disease (pooled) (PCR).
The NDSU-VDL is an APHIS-approved laboratory to conduct official Johne’s testing. Approval is based on satisfactory annual proficiency test scores.
Schedule |
Turnaround Time 2-15 days, depending on results, number of samples submitted, and time of year. Improperly labeled cases (i.e. those with only animal IDs on specimens), may be placed at the back of the queue and take up to 4 weeks for testing.
Description |
This assay targets the DNA of a portion of the genome of the bacterium Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (aka: MAP, Johne’s).
Species |
Bovine | Ovine | Caprine | Wildlife Exotic | Other
Additional Instructions |
Samples are pooled at the laboratory in pools of up to 5 samples. Pooled testing can only be performed on fecal samples. Indicate whether the samples should be pooled or tested individually, otherwise submissions containing greater than 5 samples will be pooled. Retest of positive pools will be at the current individual rate per sample tested. See our submission guide for sample collection and submission guidelines. View our example page to see pictures of how to label your samples.
Results of pool cases may take up to 15 days, dependent on retesting of pools and time of year. Individual samples requested on pool cases will not be reported out before the pool retests are finalized.
The NDSU-VDL is an APHIS-approved laboratory to conduct official Johne’s testing. Approval is based on satisfactory annual proficiency test scores.
Acceptable Samples |
Slides (charged/adhesive)
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Description |
Identification of Lawsonia intracellularis by immunohistochemistry.
Species |
Bovine | Canine | Feline | Equine | Ovine | Caprine | Porcine | Wildlife Exotic | Other
Shipping Requirements |
In cold weather, add 1 part ethanol to 9 parts 10% buffered formalin to prevent freezing during transit.
Schedule |
Turnaround Time 1-3 business days from test day
Description |
This assay targets the DNA of a portion of the genome important to ubiquinone/menaquinone biosynthesis in the bacterium Lawsonia intracellularis.
Species |
Canine | Equine | Porcine | Wildlife Exotic | Other
Shipping Requirements |
To ensure inclusion in the test run, samples should arrive the day prior to test day.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Description |
Quantitation of lead by anodic stripping voltammetry.
Species |
Bovine | Canine | Feline | Equine | Ovine | Caprine | Porcine | Wildlife Exotic | Other
Shipping Requirements |
Prefer sample within 24 hrs of collection.
Description |
Lead included as part of the Trace Mineral/Heavy Metal Screen (Tissue) test. Refer to appropriate test pages for testing details.
Acceptable Samples |
Slides (charged/adhesive)
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Description |
Detection of Leptospira species by immunohistochemistry.
Species |
Bovine | Canine | Feline | Equine | Ovine | Caprine | Porcine | Wildlife Exotic | Other
Shipping Requirements |
In cold weather, add 1 part ethanol to 9 parts 10% buffered formalin to prevent freezing during transit.
Schedule |
Turnaround Time 1-3 business days from test day
Description |
This assay targets the DNA of a portion of the lipL32 gene from Leptospira bacterial species. Pathogenic species detectable include various serovars of L. alexanderi, L. borgpeterseni, L. interrogans, L. kirschneri, L. noguchii, L. santarosai, and L. weilii.
*Full price for the first sample, half price for an additional sample from the same animal.
Species |
Bovine | Canine | Feline | Equine | Ovine | Caprine | Porcine | Wildlife Exotic | Other
Shipping Requirements |
To ensure inclusion in the test run, samples should arrive the day prior to test day.
Samples must be submitted to the lab ASAP. Shipped cold (not frozen) and within 24 hours of collection and prior to antibiotic treatment to minimize the chance of false negative results. Studies suggest Leptospira degrade relatively rapidly in acidic urine; therefore, urine samples submitted more than 5 days after collection will not be tested as there is a high probability of false negative results.
Additional Instructions |
Depending on the infection phase and nature of the disease, Leptospira may be detected in the blood and not urine or vice versa. A negative urine does not definitively prove the animal is negative for Leptospira as it can be intermittently shed in urine.
Acceptable Samples |
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Description |
Isolation and identification of Listeria species from diagnostic samples. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing is not routinely performed due to lack of species-specific breakpoints.
Species |
Bovine | Canine | Feline | Equine | Ovine | Caprine | Porcine | Wildlife Exotic | Other
Shipping Requirements |
Send samples on ice pack in a sterile, leak proof container. Overnight or 2 day shipping for samples is recommended.
Additional Instructions |
Check out our Microbiology page for helpful collection and interpretation information.
Acceptable Samples |
Tissues (lymph node, synovium), Fluid (cerebrospinal fluid, synovial), Culture in BSK-H
Schedule |
Turnaround Time 1-3 business days from test day
Description |
This assay targets the DNA of a portion of the flagellin gene from multiple isolates of the spirochete bacteria Borrelia burgdorferi complex, including foreign genospecies. Samples are only accepted from veterinary species. Humans and non-human primate samples are NOT accepted.
Species |
Bovine | Canine | Feline | Equine | Ovine | Caprine | Porcine | Wildlife Exotic | Other
Shipping Requirements |
To ensure inclusion in the test run, samples should arrive the day prior to test day.
Additional Instructions |
The spleen or kidney should not be tested.
Schedule |
Turnaround Time 1-3 business days from test day
Description |
This assay targets the DNA of a portion of the tegument protein gene from Ovine herpesvirus-2, an etiologic agent of Malignant catarrhal fever (MCF).
Species |
Bovine | Porcine | Wildlife Exotic | Other
Shipping Requirements |
To ensure inclusion in the test run, samples should arrive the day prior to test day.
Acceptable Samples |
Slides (charged/adhesive)
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Description |
Immunohistochemistry using anti-Melan A monoclonal antibody (clone A103).
Species |
Canine Feline
Shipping Requirements |
In cold weather, add 1 part ethanol to 9 parts 10% buffered formalin to prevent freezing during transit.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Description |
Isolation and identification of bacteria present in bulk tank milk samples. Includes Mycoplasma and Prototheca culture.
Species |
Bovine | Caprine
Shipping Requirements |
Ship one vial frozen and a second on cold pack. Sample should be received by the laboratory within 24 hours of collection.
Additional Instructions |
This method is not appropriate to determine whether milk is safe for human consumption.
No antimicrobial susceptibility testing will be performed on bulk milk culture isolates.
Check out our Bulk Tank Milk (BTM) Interpretation Guide for helpful collection and interpretation information.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Description |
Isolation and identification of bacteria present in milk to determine the causative agent of mastitis. Routine milk culture does not include Mycoplasma sp. If Mycoplasma is suspected please also request Mycoplasma culture.
Note: This method is not appropriate to determine whether milk is safe for human consumption.
Species |
Bovine | Canine | Feline | Equine | Ovine | Caprine | Porcine | Wildlife Exotic | Other
Shipping Requirements |
The best results come from samples that are appropriately collected in a leak-proof (screw cap) container and are either frozen immediately or transported on ice pack to the laboratory within 24 hours.
Additional Instructions |
Collection method: Clean teats from front to back, collect milk specimen from back to front. Aseptically squirt 5-20 ml of milk into sterile container. For bulk tank samples see milk culture – bulk tank. An additional fee is charged for antimicrobial susceptibility testing.
Check out our Microbiology page for helpful collection and interpretation information. Additionally, this video gives a demonstration of milk collection.
Acceptable Samples |
Liver (50 mg, 2-3 notches from TruCut 14G with no fluid)
Schedule |
Days Tested M | T | W | Th | F
Description |
Screen for trace minerals/heavy metals by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Assay includes copper, iron, magnesium, molybdenum, zinc, selenium, cobalt, arsenic, cadmium, and lead.
Species |
Bovine | Ovine**
Shipping Requirements |
Keep sample frozen or cold on ice for shipping.
Additional Instructions |
Avoid sources of contamination. Red rubber stoppers cannot be used due to the possibility of zinc contamination. No saline or additives.
Place sample in a small clean microcentrifuge tube. Contact laboratory if needed.
**The assay is fully validated for bovine and ovine species. Interpretation of liver values for other species is dependent on availability of reference values. Contact the laboratory with questions regarding other animal species.
Age and species of the animal must be included on the submission form for correct interpretation of test results.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Turnaround Time 2-4 business days
Description |
This method is intended to confirm a carbapenemase producing Enterobacterales or Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolate. The mCIM can detect KPCs, metallo-beta-lactamases (NDM, VIM, IMP) and OXA types of carbapenemases but does not distinguish between classes. If carbapenemase production is confirmed, appropriate public health agencies will be notified per local requirements.
Species |
All species except non-human primates.
Shipping Requirements |
Send culture isolate on a slant or plate with an ice pack. Follow Category B shipping guidelines. Overnight or 2-day shipping recommended.
Additional Instructions |
Please submit a copy of antibiotic susceptibility test results with completed general submission form. Animal species and site of sample collection are required.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Description |
This antibody labels the MUM-1 protein, which is expressed in a subset of B-cells in the light zone of the germinal center, plasma cells, and activated T-cells.
Species |
Canine | Feline
Shipping Requirements |
In cold weather, add 1 part ethanol to 9 parts 10% buffered formalin to prevent freezing during transit.
Acceptable Samples |
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Description |
Isolation and identification of Mycoplasma species from diagnostic samples. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing cannot be performed on Mycoplasma sp. isolates.
Mycoplasma culture is routinely performed on bovine respiratory samples but is only performed by request on canine and feline respiratory samples.
Species |
Bovine | Canine | Feline | Ovine | Caprine | Wildlife Exotic | Other
Shipping Requirements |
Send samples on ice pack in a leak proof container. Overnight or 2 day shipping for samples is recommended.
Additional Instructions |
Check out our Microbiology page for helpful collection and interpretation information.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Turnaround Time 3-5 days from day of test
Description |
Mycotoxin screen by liquid chromatography- tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS). This screen is for corn, grains, silage, forage, hay, DDGs, soybean meal, dry pet food, and TMR. Mycotoxins tested: Aflatoxin B1, B2, G1 and G2, T-2 toxin, Ochratoxin A, and Sterigmatocystin at 20 ppb (0.02 ppm). Fumonisin -B1, -B2, -B3, 15-ADON, 3-ADON, DAS and DON (vomitoxin) at 200 ppb (0.2 ppm). Zearalenone at 100 ppb (0.1 ppm).
Shipping Requirements |
If feed samples are wet, freeze and ship overnight to the lab on ice packs to prevent mycotoxin production in transit. If possible, ship samples at the beginning of the week to prevent production of mycotoxins over the weekend. If samples are dry ship when convenient.
Additional Instructions |
Note: The lab can no longer analyze corn gluten or high protein corn concentrates (for example, Empyreal 75) for mycotoxins because of gelling of the extract during analysis that obstructs the instrument columns and can also solidify in the vials and flasks.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Turnaround Time 3-7 days. Please note that complex, legal, or insurance cases may have a longer turnaround time for completion.
Description |
The general investigation submission fee covers a routine laboratory study which may include the following tests: histopathology with special stains, bacteriology (2 aerobic cultures and 1 anaerobic), PCR (1 individual or 1 multiplex test), virology (2 FAs, 1 EM), Cryptosporidia, and fecal flotation. Additional fees will apply for antimicrobial susceptibility testing, immunohistochemistry, clinical pathology, toxicology, serology, referral laboratory charges, and additional PCR, virology, bacteriology, and parasitology tests. Additional animals on the same submission (from a common disease outbreak) will be charged at 1/2 the price. For bovine fetus necropsy submission guidelines, please see our Novel Pneumonia Syndrome Fact Sheet.
Species |
Bovine | Canine | Feline | Equine | Ovine | Caprine | Porcine | Wildlife Exotic | Other
Shipping Requirements |
If submitting tissues for general investigation, send both fixed and fresh tissues. Delays in tissue fixation can significantly affect results. Ratio of tissue to 10% formalin should be approximately 1:10 to avoid under-fixation. In cold weather, add 1 part ethanol to 9 parts 10% buffered formalin to prevent freezing during transit.
Additional Instructions |
The general investigation submission fee covers a routine laboratory study for a whole animal or tissue samples submitted from a field necropsy.
1 Description of fees:
Companion Animal (Canine, feline, exotic, other) |
Necropsy with general investigation = $182 |
General investigation only = $132 |
Equine |
Necropsy with general investigation = $282 (includes disposal fee) |
General investigation only = $132 |
Food animal & wildlife (discounts may apply for multiple animal submissions from same premise) |
Necropsy with general investigation = $152 |
General investigation only = $102 |
Additional fees |
Private horse cremation2 = $750 |
Emergency fee (after-hours submissions) = $100 |
2 Partial ashes returned.
For complete descriptions and breakdowns of fees, click here.
Contact the laboratory for instructions prior to submitting cases involving insurance claims or litigation. Legal cases may be charged a $250.00 base price to cover the cost associated with chain of custody handling.
Large animals arriving on enclosed trailers require removal of trailer stall dividers. Stall divider removal must be performed by the client. If the stall divider cannot be removed, then the large animal will not be unloaded.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Calf diarrhea PCR: MON – June thru December || MON | THU – January thru May
Description |
Screen includes aerobic culture, transmission electron microscopy for rotavirus and coronavirus, and modified acid-fast stain for Cryptosporidium. If animal is less than two weeks of age, E. coli virulence genes by PCR are included.
Bovine only: The calf diarrhea PCR panel for rotavirus, coronavirus, and Cryptosporidium will be performed in lieu of electron microscopy and microscope evaluation of acid-fast stained smears.
Species |
Bovine | Ovine | Caprine
Additional Instructions |
Please note that these test methods are validated on individual samples only. The laboratory will not pool the samples due to potential false negative results.
Acceptable Samples |
Amniotic fluid, lung, spleen
Schedule |
Turnaround Time 1-3 business days from test day
Description |
This assay targets the DNA of a portion of the pNC-5 gene from the apicomplexan parasite Neospora caninum.
Species |
Bovine | Canine | Equine | Ovine | Caprine | Wildlife Exotic |Other
Shipping Requirements |
To ensure inclusion in the test run, samples should arrive the day prior to test day.
Schedule |
Description |
Detection of antibody to Neospora caninum by competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (c-ELISA).
Species |
Shipping Requirements |
To avoid hemolysis, serum should be removed from the clot and aliquoted to another tube prior to shipping. Hemolysis affects serologic testing and may cause a sample to be rejected. Samples should be kept cold during transport. Avoid freeze-thaw cycles.
Additional Instructions |
Note: Samples for serologic testing must be received during business hours the day before scheduled testing to ensure inclusion in the test run. If not, the sample will be tested on the following scheduled test day. STAT testing may be available, contact the lab for more information.
Schedule |
Turnaround Time 1-3 business days from test day
Description |
This is a NAHLN approved assay which screens for the matrix gene, allowing for subsequent follow-up testing for the virulent fusion gene. Approval to conduct surveillance testing is based upon satisfactory completion of the yearly proficiency test.
Species |
Avian | Wildlife Exotic
Shipping Requirements |
To ensure inclusion in the test run, samples should arrive the day prior to test day.
Additional Instructions |
Surveillance sample turn around time is 2 days from the day of submission.
Sample types vary. Refer to Avian Sample Collection for Influenza A and Newcastle Disease for complete sampling information.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Turnaround Time 1-3 business days
Description |
Sample is dried, ground, and extracted into an aluminum sulfate solution and quantified using an ion specific electrode.
Shipping Requirements |
Review the Proper Sampling for Nitrate in Feedstuffs guide for current collection and handling practices.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Description |
Quantitation of nitrates by colorimetric method. The half-life of nitrates in beef cattle exposed to nitrates is between 7.7 to 9 hours. Therefore, it would be at least five biologic half-lives (24–36 hours) before increased nitrate concentrations from excessive nitrate exposure diminish to normally expected values, which means that affected cattle should be tested preferably within 24 hours after a significant nitrate exposure.
Species |
Bovine | Canine | Feline | Equine | Ovine | Caprine | Porcine | Wildlife Exotic | Other
Additional Instructions |
As soon as possible, remove serum from blood tube and store at refrigeration or preferably freezer temperature and ship to the lab on ice packs.
If possible, remove clear ocular fluid from globe and keep at refrigeration or freezer temperature prior to shipping and ship on ice pack. If globe submitted, keep at refrigeration temperature and ship on ice packs as soon as possible to the lab.
See our Resources page for proper sampling instructions for nitrate in feedstuffs.
Acceptable Samples |
Lymph node
Schedule |
Turnaround Time 1-3 business days from test day
Description |
This assay targets the DNA of a portion of the transmembrance region of the envolope gene of Ovine progressive pneumonia virus. This assay also detects some (but not all) CAE isolates.
Species |
Ovine | Caprine
Shipping Requirements |
To ensure inclusion in the test run, samples should arrive the day prior to test day.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Turnaround Time 24-48 hours
Description |
Detection of Paeniclostridium sordellii (formerly Clostridium sordellii) by fluorescent antibody (FA) testing.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Description |
This antibody is used in the qualitative identification of PAX5 protein by immunohistochemistry.
Species |
Canine | Feline
Shipping Requirements |
In cold weather, add 1 part ethanol to 9 parts 10% buffered formalin to prevent freezing during transit.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Description |
Pesticide screen by gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC/MS). Analysis for organophosphates, carbamates, Strychnine, and various organic compounds.
Species |
Additional Instructions |
Please make note on the submission form if you suspect a certain pesticide.
Acceptable Samples |
Forage/feed (100 grams minimum)
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Description |
Phytoestrogen screen by LC/MS/MS. This screen includes daidzein, genistein, formononetin, biochanin A, glycitein, and coumestrol.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Description |
Visual identification of plants. Contact laboratory regarding sample submission and fees.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Turnaround Time 24-48 hours
Description |
Detection of porcine circovirus by fluorescent antibody (FA) testing.
Species |
Acceptable Samples |
Fecal swab, oral fluids
Schedule |
Turnaround Time 1-3 business days from test day
Description |
This assay targets the RNA of a portion of the Porcine deltacoronavirus genome. This assay can be multiplexed with PEDV, PRV-A, and TGEV as part of the Swine Enteric Panel.
Species |
Additional Instructions |
To ensure inclusion in the test run, samples should arrive the day prior to test day.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Turnaround Time 24-48 hours
Description |
Detection of porcine parvovirus by fluorescent antibody (FA) testing.
Species |
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Description |
Detection of rabies virus by fluorescent antibody (FA) testing. This test also includes histopathology review by a pathologist.
Species |
Bovine | Canine | Feline | Equine | Ovine | Caprine | Porcine | Wildlife Exotic |Other
Shipping Requirements |
Sample must be shipped cold. Do not freeze.
Additional Instructions |
Please include entire fresh brain. Do not send 1/2 of the brain in formalin. Samples for histopathology will be collected at the laboratory. Please review our rabies guide for complete sample submission information.
Acceptable Samples |
Slides (charged/adhesive)
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Description |
Detection of rabies virus by immunohistochemistry using monoclonal rabies virus glycoprotein antibody. This test is only appropriate for use if fresh tissue is not available for testing by direct fluorescent antibody (dFA) testing. The rabies DFA test is currently the only recommended method for routine rabies testing in the United States.
Species |
Bovine | Canine | Feline Equine | Ovine | Caprine | Porcine | Wildlife Exotic | Other
Shipping Requirements |
In cold weather, add 1 part ethanol to 9 parts 10% buffered formalin to prevent freezing during transit.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Description |
Detection of antibody to Brucella canis by rapid slide agglutination test. *This assay is a referral test, which will be charged the referral test rate plus an additional shipping and sample processing fee.
We have received notice that our referral laboratory will charge $44 per test as of May 31, 2022.
Species |
Shipping Requirements |
To avoid hemolysis, serum should be removed from the clot and aliquoted to another tube prior to shipping. Hemolysis affects serologic testing and may cause a sample to be rejected. Samples should be kept cold during transport. Avoid freeze-thaw cycles.
Additional Instructions |
RSAT: If the serum is negative, the animal is considered either not infected with B. canis or early in infection prior to development of an antibody response. 2ME-RSAT: If the RSAT-positive sample is positive and also tests positive by 2ME-RSAT, the animal is presumptively diagnosed as being infected with B. canis. A culture examination should be performed for definitive diagnosis.
Description |
The NDSU VDL offers core research services for necropsy, histology, pathology, molecular diagnostics, sequencing, microbiology, and mycology. Visit our Research Services page for more information.
Schedule |
Description |
Selenium by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS).
Antemortem whole blood (EDTA or heparin) selenium is a good indicator of longer-term selenium intake or supplementation. Adequate whole blood selenium concentrations in most species range from 80 to 350 ppb (parts per billion). The VDL can provide interpretation of whole blood selenium status of most domestic species, but normal values for exotic species may not be available.
Species |
Shipping Requirements |
Do not freeze sample.
Schedule |
Description |
Detection of antibody to Small Ruminant Lentivirus (CAEV/OPPV) by competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (c-ELISA).
Species |
Ovine | Caprine
Shipping Requirements |
To avoid hemolysis, serum should be removed from the clot and aliquoted to another tube prior to shipping. Hemolysis affects serologic testing and may cause a sample to be rejected. Samples should be kept cold during transport. Avoid freeze-thaw cycles.
Additional Instructions |
Note: Samples for serologic testing must be received during business hours the day before scheduled testing to ensure inclusion in the test run. If not, the sample will be tested on the following scheduled test day. STAT testing may be available, contact the lab for more information.
Acceptable Samples |
Slides (charged/adhesive)
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Description |
Immunohistochemistry using anti-muscle actin monoclonal antibody (clone HHF35).
Species |
Canine | Feline
Shipping Requirements |
In cold weather, add 1 part ethanol to 9 parts 10% buffered formalin to prevent freezing during transit.
Acceptable Samples |
50 grams of samples listed above.
Other feed/forage samples can be accepted at discretion of Lab.
Schedule |
Description |
Storage Mycotoxin screen by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS). This screen is for corn, grain, silage, forage, hay and DDG. Mycotoxins tested Alternariol, Alternariol Monomethyl Ether, Tenuazonic Acid, Cyclopiazonic Acid, Mycophenolic Acid, Penicillic Acid, Rugulosin, Roquefortine C, Penitrem A, Citrinin, Satratoxin G and H, Gliotoxin, Roridin E, Verruculogen, Beauvericin, Enniatins (A, A1, B, B1).
Shipping Requirements |
Prefer to ship samples at the beginning of the week to avoid mycotoxin production during shipment. If sample is wet, freeze and ship on ice-pack.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Description |
Detection of Strychnine by thin-layer chromatography (TLC).
Acceptable Samples |
Fecal swab
Schedule |
Turnaround Time 1-3 business days from test day
Description |
This PCR assay uses a commercially available primer and probe cocktail (Swine Enteric Panel) to target Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus, Porcine Rotavirus A, and Transmissible gastroenteritis virus. See Swine Enteric Panel with PDCoV for additional test options.
Species |
Shipping Requirements |
To ensure inclusion in the test run, samples should arrive the day prior to test day.
Acceptable Samples |
Fecal swab
Schedule |
Turnaround Time 1-3 business days from test day
Description |
This PCR assay uses a commercially available primer and probe cocktail (Swine Enteric Panel) to target Porcine epidemic diarrhea virus, Porcine Rotavirus A, and Transmissible gastroenteritis virus. An additional PCR assay that targets the RNA of a portion of the a membrane gene from Porcine deltacoronavirus is also included.
Species |
Shipping Requirements |
To ensure inclusion in the test run, samples should arrive the day prior to test day.
Acceptable Samples |
Slides (charged/adhesive)
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Description |
Detection of Toxoplasma gondii by immunohistochemistry using polyclonal antibodies.
Species |
Bovine | Canine | Feline | Equine | Ovine | Caprine | Porcine | Wildlife Exotic | Other
Shipping Requirements |
In cold weather, add 1 part ethanol to 9 parts 10% buffered formalin to prevent freezing during transit.
Acceptable Samples |
Amniotic fluid
Schedule |
Turnaround Time 1-3 business days from test day
Description |
This assay targets the DNA of a portion of the B1 gene from Toxoplasma gondii, a cyst-forming coccidian parasite..
Species |
Bovine | Canine | Feline | Ovine | Caprine | Wildlife Exotic | Other
Shipping Requirements |
To ensure inclusion in the test run, samples should arrive the day prior to test day.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Turnaround Time 2-6 business days
Description |
Screen for trace minerals by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES). Assay includes cobalt, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, selenium and zinc.
Species |
Bovine | Canine | Feline | Ovine | Caprine | Porcine | Equine
Shipping Requirements |
After serum removed from blood clot, the serum can be stored and shipped at refrigeration or frozen temperatures.
Additional Instructions |
Recommended collection of blood in royal blue top (trace element tubes). If submitted in another blood tube, avoid any contact with the rubber stopper. Allow the sample to clot (approximately 30 minutes). Centrifuge the sample, then transfer the serum to a metal-free plastic tube. Remove serum from clot within 4 hours to avoid hemolysis. Hemolysis will falsely elevate the iron in the sample.
Schedule |
Days Tested TUE | THU | FRI
Turnaround Time 2-6 business days
Description |
Screen for trace minerals/heavy metals by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). Assay includes chromium, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, selenium, zinc, arsenic, cadmium, cobalt, nickel, lead, antimony, thallium, vanadium.
Shipping Requirements |
Ship frozen on ice packs in a leak proof bags.
Additional Instructions |
Tissues seared for bacterial culture will cause falsely elevated results. Submit tissues that have not been manipulated for culture.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Turnaround Time 24-48 hours
Description |
Detection of transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV) by fluorescent antibody (FA) testing.
Species |
Acceptable Samples |
Fetus, intestine, lung, endometrium, cervico-vaginal Mucous
Schedule |
Turnaround Time Next business day
Description |
This targets the DNA of a portion of the 5.8S rRNA gene and interal transcribed spacer-1 (ITS-1) region of the protozoan parasite Tritrichomonas foetus.
Note: Swabs are not an acceptable sample type.
Species |
Shipping Requirements |
To ensure inclusion in the test run, samples must be received the day prior to test day.
Send on cold pack/ice in sterile leak-proof container. Plastic tubes are preferred. If blood tubes are used, must be red top without serum separator gel or anticoagulant. Please do not send samples in Whirl-Paks as samples tend to leak and may lead to contamination of other samples.
It is the responsibility of the submitter to provide on the submission form the collection date, animal IDs, and indicate pooled or individual testing. Additionally, the best attempt should be made to get samples to the NDSU-VDL (arrive during business hours) within 5 days of collection. Samples >5 days old are suboptimal for testing and may result in false negative results. If submission information is missing or samples are >5 days old, the NDSU-VDL will test at its discretion and a comment will be added to the report.
Additional Instructions |
An appropriately collected washing should be light pink and cloudy, with visible material and little blood. Clear samples and samples with significant blood or fecal contamination are not appropriate for testing and may be either rejected or have a disclaimer placed on test results.
See submission guide for sample collection and submission guidelines. It is important to select “Individual” or “Pool (up to 5 in pool)” on the submission sheet. The submitter is responsible for checking destination state requirements concerning pooling of samples for Tritrichomonas testing.
Schedule |
Turnaround Time Next business day
Description |
This assay targets the DNA of a portion of the 5.8S rRNA gene and interal transcribed spacer-1 (ITS-1) region of the protozoan parasite Tritrichomonas foetus.
Species |
Shipping Requirements |
To ensure inclusion in the test run, samples must be received the day prior to test day.
Send on cold pack/ice in sterile leak-proof container. Plastic tubes are preferred. If blood tubes are used, must be red top without serum separator gel or anticoagulant. Please do not send samples in Whirl-Paks as samples tend to leak and may lead to contamination of other samples.
It is the responsibility of the submitter to provide on the submission form the collection date, animal IDs, and indicate pooled or individual testing. Additionally, the best attempt should be made to get samples to the NDSU-VDL (arrive during business hours) within 5 days of collection. Samples >5 days old are suboptimal for testing and may result in false negative results. If submission information is missing or samples are >5 days old, the NDSU-VDL will test at its discretion and a comment will be added to the report.
Additional Instructions |
An appropriately collected washing should be light pink and cloudy, with visible material and little blood. Clear samples and samples with significant blood or fecal contamination are not appropriate for testing and may be either rejected or have a disclaimer placed on test results. The submitter is responsible for checking destination state requirements concerning pooling of samples for Tritrichomonas testing. Clients will be responsible for all charges if samples have to be retested. Recollection may be necessary.
See submission guide for sample collection and submission guidelines. It is important to select “Individual” or “Pool (up to 5 in pool)” on the submission sheet.
Samples will be pooled by the laboratory in sequential order as listed on the Submission Form/Sample Identification Form. Broken or missing samples will not be shifted or replaced with additional samples. However, if a retest is required, you will only be charged for the actual number of retested individuals. Individuals in positive pools will be automatically retested at the current per individual sample rate.
Schedule |
Turnaround Time 1-3 business days from day of test
Description |
This assay targets the DNA of a portion of the 5.8S rRNA gene and internal transcribed spacer-1 (ITS-1) region of the protozoan parasite Tritrichomonas foetus/blagburni.
Species |
Shipping Requirements |
To ensure inclusion in the test run, samples should arrive the day prior to test day.
Additional Instructions |
For ease of sample processing and accuracy, please try to remove as much cat litter as possible.
Acceptable Samples |
EDTA whole blood (1 ml minimum)- please note this is the least sensitive sample for disease detection. Blood must be collected at the peak of fever and is ideally serially collected for best chance of detection*
Schedule |
Description |
This assay targets the DNA of a portion of the 23KDa gene from the bacterium Francisella tularensis.
Species |
Canine | Feline | Equine | Wildlife Exotic | Other
Shipping Requirements |
Please call prior to shipping or dropping off your specimen (701) 231-7527 or (701) 231-8307. Failure to notify the laboratory prior to submitting the specimen may result in a delay in test results.
The submitter is responsible for adherence to sample shipping regulations. See Select Agent Submission Guide for packaging and shipping information.
Do not place any other samples in the box. If the sample is positive, all other samples in the same container will be destroyed.
Additional Instructions |
Samples must be received by 12:00 pm of the test day to ensure the reported turn around time. Samples should be collected during the acute stage of disease prior to treatment.
*Blood is an appropriate sample only if the sample is collected prior to antimicrobial treatment. Lymph node aspirates or swabs of ulcers/lesions are preferred whenever available.
Acceptable Samples |
Placenta, amniotic fluid, stomach contents, culture isolate, vulvovaginal or penile prepuce swab in transport media
Schedule |
Turnaround Time 1-3 business days from test day
Description |
This assay targets the DNA of a portion of the Ureaplasma diversum bacterial genome.
Species |
Shipping Requirements |
To ensure inclusion in the test run, samples should arrive the day prior to test day.
Additional Instructions |
Ureaplasma bacteria can be part of the normal vaginal flora; therefore, fetal tissues are preferred. Ideally, swabs should be sent in universal transport medium but swabs sent in PBS are also acceptable.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Turnaround Time Same day if received by 1:00 p.m.
Description |
Urinalysis includes a chemistry multistick test, specific gravity via refractometer, and microscopic examination of urine sediment for samples less than 24 hours old. Positive protein and bile multistick results are confirmed by additional methods.
Species |
Bovine | Canine | Feline | Equine | Ovine | Caprine | Porcine | Wildlife Exotic | Other
Shipping Requirements |
Urine should be cooled immediately after collection in the refrigerator and shipped on ice. Degenerative changes will occur if sample submission is delayed; therefore, sediment examination will only be performed on samples < 24 hours old.
Additional Instructions |
*Samples >3 days old will be rejected for testing. Sediment examination will only be performed on samples < 24 hours old. Samples 24-72 hours old will only receive refractometer specific gravity and biochemical results. Visit our Resources page to review the “Urinalysis guidelines” document.
Please note on the submission form whether carcinoma is suspected. Cytology is an important diagnostic tool in these instances.
Acceptable Samples |
Slides (charged/adhesive)
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Description |
Immunohistochemistry using anti-vimentin monoclonal antibody (clone V9).
Species |
Canine | Feline
Shipping Requirements |
In cold weather, add 1 part ethanol to 9 parts 10% buffered formalin to prevent freezing during transit.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Description |
Screen for total organic carbon, ammonia, and potassium nitrate by Hatch test with spectroscopy. Analysis of water for animal and livestock consumption only.
Species |
Shipping Requirements |
The sample may be stored in the fridge, but an ice pack during shipping is not required. No time restrictions on sample viability, but typically water should be analyzed within a few days
Additional Instructions |
Please see Water Collection Guide for additional information.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Description |
Screen for nitrates, pH, total dissolved salts (TDS), and sulfates by spectroscopy, gravimetric, and other additional methods.
Shipping Requirements |
The sample may be stored in the fridge, but an ice pack during shipping is not required. No time restrictions on sample viability, but typically water should be analyzed within a few days
Additional Instructions |
Sample water in a clean, plastic container; rinse several times using water source before sampling. See Water Collection and Submission Guide, Nitrate Poisoning of Livestock, and/or Livestock Water Quality for additional information. Analysis of water for animal and livestock consumption only. Analysis of water for human consumption must be performed by a laboratory certified by the North Dakota Department of Health.
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Turnaround Time Same day if received by 10:30 a.m.
Description |
Microscopic identification of blue-green algae (Cyanobacteria).
Shipping Requirements |
Keep sample cold and ship overnight whenever possible. Water samples can be kept cold or refrigerated (NOT frozen) for 3-5 days prior to shipping.
Additional Instructions |
See Water Collection Guide and Cyanobacteria (Blue-green Algae) Poisoning Bulletin for additional information.
Acceptable Samples |
Slides (charged/adhesive)
Schedule |
Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI
Description |
Identification of West Nile Virus by immunohistochemistry.
Species |
Bovine | Canine | Feline | Equine | Ovine | Caprine | Porcine | Wildlife Exotic | Other
Shipping Requirements |
In cold weather, add 1 part ethanol to 9 parts 10% buffered formalin to prevent freezing during transit.
Acceptable Samples |
Swabs (oropharyngeal, cloacal), Tissue (liver, spleen, lung, spinal cord), cerebrospinal fluid
Schedule |
Turnaround Time 1-3 business days from test day
Description |
This assay targets the RNA of a portion of the West Nile virus genome. Serum is not recommended for testing by PCR.
Species |
Equine | Wildlife Exotic | Other
Shipping Requirements |
To ensure inclusion in the test run, samples should arrive the day prior to test day.
Additional Instructions |
Submit swabs in sterile, redtop tubes (without additives) or other sterile screwcap containers to with a small amount of saline (enough to cover the fibrous head of the swab) to maintain moisture. Viral transport media and universal transport media are also acceptable. Gel, such as culturette media or the type found in serum separator tubes, can inhibit PCR and should not be tested. Bacterial transport containers are not appropriate for PCR testing. If bacterial culture is also requested, please submit a second swab in the appropriate bacterial transport container.
Schedule |
Description |
This assay targets the DNA of a portion of the pla gene from the bacterium Yersinia pestis.
Species |
Bovine | Canine | Feline | Equine | Ovine | Caprine | Porcine | Wildlife Exotic
Shipping Requirements |
Please call prior to shipping or dropping off your specimen (701) 231-7527 or (701) 231-8307. Failure to notify the laboratory prior to submitting the specimen may result in a delay in test results. See Select Agent Submission Guide for packaging and shipping information. Samples must be received by 11:00 am of the test day to ensure the reported turn around time.
Additional Instructions |
Samples must be received by noon to ensure reported turnaround time.