The laboratory will be closed Monday, February 17 in observance of President's day.

Canine Respiratory Panel

Preferred Sample

Nasal swabs (must submit 2, one dry/in PBS and one in bacterial transport media), transtracheal wash/bronchoalveolar lavage, lung




Days Tested


Turnaround Time

PCR 1-3 business days from test day; Culture 2-5 days


This assay targets the RNA of a portion of the matrix gene of the Influenza A virus, and N protein gene from the canine distemper virus. Please be aware that this assay could detect vaccine strains if vaccination occurs within a few days or weeks of testing.



Shipping Requirements

To ensure inclusion in the test run, samples should arrive the day prior to test day.

Additional Instructions

Panel includes canine influenza A virus (all known types), canine distemper virus, and aerobic culture for bacterial respiratory pathogens (Bordetella spp., Streptococcus spp., Mycoplasma spp., etc).