The laboratory will be closed Monday, February 17 in observance of President's day.

HPAI in Cattle Testing Guidance

  • A Federal Premise ID is necessary for testing and must be on the sample submission form. The Premise ID is required for federal reimbursement of testing costs. Results will not be released until a Premise ID is provided.
  • Cows must be tested within 7 days prior to movement.
  • If cows have clinical signs, please contact the ND State Board of Animal Health (701-328-2655,,
  • Keep samples chilled and get to the NDSU VDL within 72 hours of collection, ideally within 48 hours. (Do not freeze unless at -80C.)
  • Milk samples must be at the NDSU VDL no later than Day 4 of the 7 day window due to testing and resulting regulations.
  • Milk samples must be received at the NDSU VDL by 9am for testing that day (results will be within 3 days).
  • Send samples to the NDSU VDL in Fargo via OVERNIGHT shipping or drop-off samples at the NDSU VDL after hours depository.
  • If fewer than 30 cattle are moving, all cattle must be tested. If more than 30 are moving, then only 30 animals must be tested.
  • Milk samples must be collected by a licensed veterinarian or an approved sample collector.
  • Milk samples must be from individual cows. DO NOT POOL SAMPLES from different cows.
  • All four quarters must be sampled per cow and placed in one tube.
  • Submit 3-10ml per cow in a sterile, sealed container (e.g., 15/50mL conical tube or plastic red top tube). Glass tubes may break and cause delays.
  • If possible, please call the NDSU VDL to let us know how many samples are arriving. This will help us prepare and get results out in a timely manner.
  • Please indicate on the submission form if you want animals tested individually or up to 5 individuals in a pool. Pooling different cows can ONLY be done at the laboratory.
  • A $12 accession fee will be charged by the NDSU VDL; however, USDA will cover the cost of the PCR test, but not the cost of sample collection or shipping.
  • The NDSU VDL will not test any milk to determine if it is fit for human consumption. The purpose of testing is for animal disease diagnosis or import/export regulations.

Additional guidance can be found here: