The laboratory will be closed Monday, February 17 in observance of President's day.

Johne’s Disease (pooled) (PCR)

Preferred Sample

Feces (2 gram minimum).

Samples MUST be labeled with the sample number (1, 2, 3, etc.) that corresponds with the identification form. An additional charge will be added to cases if sample numbers are not included on the fecal sample.




Days Tested


Turnaround Time

2-15 days, depending on results, number of samples submitted, and time of year.  Improperly labeled cases (i.e. those with only animal IDs on specimens), may be placed at the back of the queue and take up to 4 weeks for testing.


This assay targets the DNA of a portion of the genome of the bacterium Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (aka: MAP, Johne’s).


Bovine | Ovine | Caprine | Wildlife Exotic | Other

Additional Instructions

Samples are pooled at the laboratory in pools of up to 5 samples. Pooled testing can only be performed on fecal samples. Indicate whether the samples should be pooled or tested individually, otherwise submissions containing greater than 5 samples will be pooled. Retest of positive pools will be at the current individual rate per sample tested. See our submission guide for sample collection and submission guidelines. View our example page to see pictures of how to label your samples.

Results of pool cases may take up to 15 days, dependent on retesting of pools and time of year. Individual samples requested on pool cases will not be reported out before the pool retests are finalized.

The NDSU-VDL is an APHIS-approved laboratory to conduct official Johne’s testing. Approval is based on satisfactory annual proficiency test scores.