Preferred Sample | Fresh feces (5 grams minimum) |
Fee | $20 |
Schedule | Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI Turnaround Time Same day if received by 1:00 p.m. |
Description | Centrifugal flotation method for qualitative (parasites present or absent) analysis of fecal material to determine the presence of parasite eggs (nematodes, cestodes, trematodes) as well as the presence of coccidia (Eimeria, Isospora). Relative quantities of parasites are not provided as part of the test result. If quantitation of Stongyle type eggs is desired, please request a McMaster’s Egg Count. |
Species | Bovine | Canine | Feline | Equine | Ovine | Caprine | Porcine | Wildlife Exotic | Other |
Shipping Requirements | Submit samples on ice within one day of collection whenever possible. |
Additional Instructions | Dried samples, such as those submitted on a swab, are unacceptable for examination and will be rejected. |