The laboratory will be closed Monday, February 17 in observance of President's day.

Canine Distemper Virus (PCR)

Preferred Sample

Lung, brain, urinary bladder



Acceptable Samples

EDTA whole blood (1 ml minimum); Swabs (conjunctiva, oropharyngeal, rectal)


Days Tested


Turnaround Time

1-3 business days from test day


This targets the RNA of a portion of the N protein gene from the Canine distemper virus. Please be aware that this assay could detect vaccine strains if vaccination occurs within a few days or weeks of testing. This assay is available as part of the Canine Respiratory Panel.

*Full price for the first sample, half price for an additional sample on the same animal.


Canine | Wildlife | Exotic | Other

Additional Instructions

To ensure inclusion in the test run, samples should arrive the day prior to test day. Submit swabs in sterile, redtop tubes (without additives) or other sterile screwcap containers to with a small amount of saline (enough to cover the fibrous head of the swab) to maintain moisture. Viral transport media and universal transport media are also acceptable. Gel, such as culturette media or the type found in serum separator tubes can inhibit PCR and should not be tested. Bacterial transport containers are not appropriate for PCR testing. If bacterial culture is also requested, please submit a second swab in the appropriate bacterial transport container.