The laboratory will be closed Monday, February 17 in observance of President's day.

REFERRAL TEST: Brucella canis

Preferred Sample

Serum (1 ml minimum)*


$Referral rate applies (cost of shipping, handling, and price of the referral test)


Days Tested


Turnaround Time

1 day


Detection of antibody to Brucella canis by rapid slide agglutination test. *This assay is a referral test, which will be charged the referral test rate plus an additional shipping and sample processing fee.

We have received notice that our referral laboratory will charge $44 per test as of May 31, 2022.



Shipping Requirements

To avoid hemolysis, serum should be removed from the clot and aliquoted to another tube prior to shipping. Hemolysis affects serologic testing and may cause a sample to be rejected. Samples should be kept cold during transport. Avoid freeze-thaw cycles.

Additional Instructions

RSAT: If the serum is negative, the animal is considered either not infected with B. canis or early in infection prior to development of an antibody response. 2ME-RSAT: If the RSAT-positive sample is positive and also tests positive by 2ME-RSAT, the animal is presumptively diagnosed as being infected with B. canis. A culture examination should be performed for definitive diagnosis.