The laboratory will be closed Monday, February 17 in observance of President's day.

Bovine diarrhea panel (PCR)

Preferred Sample

Feces, intestinal contents, intestine




Days Tested

MON (June-December) || MON | THUR (January-May)

Turnaround Time

1-3 business days from test day


This assay targets the RNA of a portion of the N gene from Bovine coronavirus (BCoV), RNA of a portion of the VP6 gene from Bovine Rotavirus group A (BRV), and DNA of a portion of the Cryptosporidium oocysts wall protein gene (COWP) from Cryptosporidium parvum (Crypto).



Shipping Requirements

To ensure inclusion in the test run, samples should arrive the day prior to test day.

Additional Instructions

The neonatal diarrhea study panel should be requested for young calves. The neonatal diarrhea study includes bovine diarrhea PCR, bacterial culture, and detection of E. coli virulence factors by PCR if the animal is less than two weeks of age.

Due to the likelihood of positive samples and lack of validation data, the laboratory will not pool samples.