Preferred Sample | Fluid (0.5 ml minimum), tissue, urine (grey top urine tube preferred) |
Fee | $32 |
Schedule | Days Tested MON | TUE | WED | THU | FRI Turnaround Time 2-5 days |
Description | Isolation and identification of cultivatable bacteria present in diagnostic samples. For the best results, please include relevant sample information. For example, how the sample was collected (include source and collection date), signalment, clinical signs, lab abnormalities, contributing disease, treatment, differential diagnosis, and in particular, specific questions you have (i.e. why you are submitting the sample). For continuity it is important to include any previously submitted cases; if the accession number is not available, just indicate that prior cases exist. History is critical as it dictates not only case set up but also interpretation of test results. |
Species | Bovine | Canine | Feline | Equine | Ovine | Caprine | Porcine | Wildlife Exotic | Other |
Shipping Requirements | Send samples on ice pack. Overnight or 2-day shipping recommended. |
Additional Instructions | An additional fee is charged for antimicrobial susceptibility testing. Dry or expired swabs may negatively impact culture results. Check out our Microbiology page for helpful collection and interpretation information. |