The laboratory will be closed Monday, February 17 in observance of President's day.


Fecal float results: Strongyle sp, Trichuris sp, Nematodirus sp, Moniezia sp., Eimeria sp.

Fecal egg count (strongyles): 12,400 epg (eggs per gram)

Field 2 contains Strongyle, Trichuris species and Nematodirus species eggs. Photo courtesy of S. Gefroh.


A fecal egg count measures the number of worm eggs present in each gram of feces from sheep, goats, cows, or horses. This test is useful for assessing the effectiveness of deworming treatments, identifying animals with potentially resistant worm populations, and monitoring pasture contamination. Its primary application is evaluating dewormer efficacy, given that worms have developed resistance to all dewormers and their classes for small ruminants. Fecal egg counts used in combination with FAMACHA© and evaluation of clinically symptomatic animals with worm burdens is a comprehensive strategy to combat parasitism in small ruminants.

For information about best practices to control small ruminant parasites, visit the American Consortium for Small Ruminant Parasite Control at

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